This site works best with JavaScript enabled. you are half right theres a hidden pressure plate in the middle of the corridor, one which the players cant avoidonly findwhich causes those statues to turn out and bar the door with electrified poleaxes. Make both of these kinds of checks for the player. Remember that players forget about recurring effects really easily, so keep reminding them about this one, for flavor and mechanics. If you want to get a real look at Area 29s problems and potential, check out Playing Pelota in the Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. The original Origins pre-publication version did not have a module code and was titled Lost Tamoachan: The Hidden Shrine of Lubaatum. 319 Its definitely worth checking out if you can get your hands on a copyif not, then youll have to wait and see what shape it takes once the Yawning Portal opens up, Finally, a dungeon where its appropriate to encounter Red Jaguars, Blue Barracudas, Green Monkeys, Orange Iguanas, Purple Parrots, and Silver Snakes, Can you Survive Killers, Zombies, and Mars? Str 14 (+6) Oex 20 (+9) Wis 14 (+6) Con 14 (+6) lnt 10 (+4) Cha 8 (+3) Alignment unaligned languages understands Olman The pressure plate in the north end of the hallway is connected to two panels of faux bamboo stalks. I just told my players that they couldnt take any long rests while in the poisoned areas of the dungeon, and left it at that. #5, #12, #14, #21, #29, #34, #39, #51, #70, #72, #77, #80, #82, #84, #86, #89, #90, #94, #98, #99, The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan is an adventure module for the Dungeons & Dragons ( D&D) fantasy role-playing game, set in the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for use with the 1st edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons rules. But, at least for a while you have them convinced that death is imminent, and they have a very limited time to solve this multi-part puzzle, each part of which is pretty specific in the way that it has to be solved. This material is covered by a Creative Commons 4.0 license. Maple Valley Schools (Vermontville-Maple Valley) is located in Vermontville, Eaton County, Michigan. I used the Hidden Shrine to augment my Tomb of Annihilation campaign: I needed to boost the party up to the appropriate level to go to the Lost City of Omu, and I also needed to find a way to reveal the location of the lost city. Is your group up for the challenge ofTamoachan? Ruins of vast cities and tall temples are the only remaining traces of the civilization's advances. bat-monster. Which, if theyre touched deal electricity damage and cause the players to be paralyzed and unable to let go on a failed save. Great review. Actually the module doesnt care about a lot of things. Editor: Danni Button, Adam Harrison He called the adventure "enjoyable and colourful", especially for players who think and act fast. It also includes an illustrated . As far as how long to wait in table time between one-hour game time poison intervals, remember that you dont actually have to tell your players that the poison damage happens on an hourly basis. Level 8 Skirmisher Medium natural animate HP 86; Bloodied 4 3 AC 22, Fortitude 19, Reflex 22, Will19 Speed 7 Immune force, miss effects XP 350 Initiative +11 Perception +5 Darkvision STANDARD ACTIONS CD life-Draining Touch (necrotic)+ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: The target loses a healing surge, or hit points equal to its healing surge value if it has no more healing surges. Seems like a neutral-evil couatl thing to do. signature, Thanks to William Meinhardt and Paul Stormberg for this info, Because I never mentioned the one-hour time frame, I basically ballparked the time and went with one poison damage roll for every six to eight rooms explored. Switch to a Google Earth view for the detailed virtual globe and 3D buildings in many major cities worldwide. Use this map type to plan a road trip and to get driving directions in Vermontville. "Shrine" introduces the ancient Olman people of Greyhawk, based on the Aztec, Mayan, and Toltec peoples of Earth. Road map. Although Zotzilaha does not inhabit the shrine, his servants linger here, waiting to be freed, or to feast upon those who seek to plunder the temple. [2] Some of the traps include cursed items, firebombs, and triggered statues. Search the history of over 804 billion IN COLLECTIONS Folkscanomy: Games Folkscanomy: A . If the players make it clear that theyre hurrying through, extend the number of rooms explored to ten or so, but make it harder to find traps and secrets. That was fun. SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP download. They built city-states that banded together as empires and waged mighty wars against enemies both internal and external. The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan is an adventure for 5th-7th level players that takes them through some ruins found in the distant Amedio Jungle, near the abandoned city of Tamoachan. For instance, players arent really rewarded for finding lootrather theyre rewarded for making what the designers felt the correct decisions were. Furthermore, the specific ways in which the puzzle parts have to be solved are kind of arbitrary: why does that glyph controlling the wall of force react poorly to holy water, holy symbols, and holy spells? Only I didnt prepare for this sufficiently, and pretty much stopped in the middle of narrating it because I couldnt figure out how to describe what was going on. There are more traps and puzzles than combat encounters in this moduleif you have players who prefer solving puzzles to slinging swords, this module will suit them nicely. [8], In 2017, Wizards re-released the adventure updated to the 5th Edition rules as part of the Tales from the Yawning Portal collection. The design of the temple draws heavily on Mayan and Aztec/Toltec mythology and society. This is a complex room, so be sure to read the instructions thoroughly, and well before the party gets here. Read up on the weapon and all the effects it has, and decide if you want that in your game. For a DM, credibility is everything. Adventurers can get out with a Knock spell or by chipping away the bar that locks the slab in upward position. HALL OF THE THRASHING CANES The stone walls and ceilinB of this corridor are carved to resemble bamboo stalks. At its center is a threejoot-tall adobe dome. [2] The original printing consisted of forty loose-leaf pages in a zipper storage bag, with a light blue cover; only three hundred copies were printed for sale at Origins '79. If you want to strike a compromise in this situation, I recommend giving the doppelganger a surprise round against the rest of the party as soon as they come into the room, provided that the doppelganger is impersonating the missing party member. In addition, all doors have hp 80, AC/Reflex 4, and Fortitude 12. 30MB As a collector I would like to have both versions available for download. [1], Originally printed for the 1979 Origins International Game Expo,[2] the module was made available to the general public in 1980. Another feature of the original Hidden Shrine that's repeated here is a built-in guide to the pronunciation and meaning of many ofthe names that were taken or derived from Aztec and Mesoamerican culture. Now you might be thinking, oh hey, this room is guarded by a pretty serious trapit must be to protect something, right? number can be found on the lower left cover of the interior booklet, There are a few places where theres significant danger of losing a PC permanently or semi-permanently, which is only really a problem if youre integrating the module into a wider adventure. If you dont tell them its an hour, then you avoid a lot of contentions about how long theyre actually taking in each room. Which is a shame, because it has a lot of history to it. Ive run this multiple times in both AD&D and 5e and it is a well loved classic. The item that enemy drops is also crazy. Slaheddine #249 (with an extra page 31-32), #266, #275, #277, #281, #284, #291, #297, two Author's Copies, Essentially, Xipe is a character killer as well, because theres not really a good way for the party to face him as a group. When will we see C6 The Official RPGA Tournament Handbook? If you want to run the other dungeons in TYP you will need the hardcover. /gs_flipbook/flip.php?xml=/demo_xml/17031.xml&w=500&h=324, Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased, not sure as of the actual listing date of this but.. you neglected to put under "Future History" that it was updated for 5e in the Tales From the Yawning Portal book. Long rests will be almost impossible, because 8d6 poison damage all at once should be plenty to kill 5th-level characters. The shrine is an ancient Mayan/Aztec pyramid, and the module uses names, monsters, and characters based on that period. Walls, Doors, and Ceilings: Unless noted otherwise, the walls and doors in the shrine are made of stone. Otherwise, picking the lock requires a DC 23 Thievery check, or forcing it requires a DC 28 Athletics check. download 1 file . The original The wound beains to tremble, and youfeel the earth aive way. Dedicated to Zotzilaha, vampire god of the u nderworld, and built to imprison a powerful Far Realm entity, it is filled with lost secrets and merciless traps. When the dust settles, you see a rectanaular chamber of rouah-hewn stone blocks stretchina before you. [3], Dungeon Master for Dummies includes The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan in its list of the ten best classic adventures, noting the players' destination as a "Mayan-style temple full of surprising traps and devious tricks. If you find it too railroading, feel free to create a starting situation of your own. be duplicates -- the same copy coming up multiple times at auction. Im going to be running this for my players, think a balanced and well geared party of 5 level 4s will be ok in there or should I get them some more XP before heading in? "The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan" (1980), by Harold Johnson and Jeff R. Leason, is the first adventure in the competition (C-) series. Turns out that I still dont really understand the trap well enough to explain it any better than its been explained in the book. cover art by Dave Sutherland. I really hate situations like this as a DM, because requiring players to pretend they dont know something they know isnt fair to them, at least in my opinion. Overall, its a nice piece to run, especially if youre with experienced players and you havent run a campaign with them before. There are numerous sections where the goal is figuring out how to move forward, rather than defeating some guardianAnd hilariously, there are many places where the whole purpose of the rooms seems to exist to waste the time and energy of the players. The serial number of the module Remember that rolling a d12 to figure out whether there will be a random encounter is going to give you hardly any random encounters on average, so be ready to change to another die if you want randoms to pop frequently. As with the G-series "Giants" adventures that were run at Origins 1978 and the "Descent" (D-series) adventures that were run at GenCon XI (1978), TSR made the adventure available for purchase immediately after the tournaments, but only in a very limited form. Despite all that though, the module is still fantastic. Maple Valley Schools. Buy Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan (4e DM Rewards Edition) - D&D 4e from Wizards of the Coast - part of our ' Role Playing Games - Dungeons & Dragons. The mad wizard The general features of the shrine are fairly unremarkable, except for one rather interesting feature. The air is roilina with dust kicked up from the collapse of the earth; it is humid and smells putrid, chokinB you. Ernie Noa. All that is currently left of the Olman civilization a re the scattered tribes of their degenerated descendants, now prone to Dcmogorgon worship and savagery. Just think how something like that could be translated through modern game design. The liquid light is a character killer: once a character touches it, theyre pretty much doomed to death within 2 minutes. November 26, 2022 by Admin. "[5] He continued: "The shrine has two entrances, but the rules are written based on the assumption that you enter through the tournament entrance. Previous seasons have seen the first adventuring chapter (Death House, Great Upheaval) in a similar manner. Stumblina throuah afen, you race toward hiaher around ahead. And if you want to try that, you probably have about 20 seconds to figure out you need to cut off that arm before its too late. ISBN (only) on back cover bottom left. If youre integrating the shrine into a larger campaign, I would suggest just making the various inscriptions written in Common, or a local language like Chultan. Also included herein are background information, a large-scale referee's map, referee's notes, and new monsters and descriptions for an added taste of excitement. He felt that the recommended levels of 5th-7th was a bit unrealistic, as the lower level characters would have a very hard time in the shrine, and felt that 6th-8th level characters would have a reasonable chance of success. Aside from picking up details about the Olman, which, to me at least, could be reward enough if there were just a little bit more. Tsr 09032 C 1 The Hidden Shrine Of Tomoachan. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1st Edition) Nickname. There are seven all in all, with everything from 3rd Edition favorites to legends like the Tomb of Horrors. A diagram of how it works would have been a nice addition, but WotC didnt oblige. In , TSR published the module named "The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan" with the module code "C1". 88 The whole lying-trickery thing seems a little out of character. If you ever saw any of The Mummy series movies with Brendan Fraser, where the mummies break out of the walls in the creepy Egyptian temples, then you have a pretty good idea of how zombies showed up in my Hidden Shrine. Maybe they even say well, we give up, lets sit down and wait to die, and then they sit down and dont die because there was never any poison gas to begin with. As such, it was (and remains) a terrific insight into what tournament play was like in the late '70s. Or as the module puts it: Originally designed for tournament play, The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan is a test of the skill and common sense of players. I found that what really amounted to a re-imagining (as . Staff copies The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan was the first module to introduce the Olman to the world of Greyhawk. The characters have unwittingly found long-lost Tamoachan. Most newer books are in the original electronic format. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. do not have any writing in the upper left corner, Unknown amount of Complementary Copies (spelled wrong). printing does not have a TSR#, nor does it bear the code "C1". Alternate Nickname. The first version published for sale to the general public in 1980 was titled The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan and bore the module code C1. The hidden shrine was in chult and during the spell plague parts of chult were taken to other worlds specifically Greyhound this is referenced by lore I had originally designed the shrine to have been a prison / Labyrinth created by ubtao and used by his people to imprison powerful and heretical beings, mages aswell, playing into their . The module was the first to introduce players to the Olman culture of the World of Greyhawk, a society loosely based on Aztec, Mayan, and other sources. Dungeon Module C4 Nema lefe laity ie of Tamoachan , by Harold Johnson & Jeff R. Leason \ This module was originally used for the Official ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS fournament af Origins "79, and is th first in another new series of modules from TSR. Learn how your comment data is processed. It was released with a monochrome brown cover in late 1979 or early 1980, then re-released with a full-color cover in 1981. C1 Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan by Harold Johnson & Jeff Leason. Harold Johnson joined TSR in 1979. Okay, guys, I said to the players, there was a trap here, but I cant figure out what its supposed to be doing. All the figures in the dioramas are made of stucco and can be removed. Because, if your group really wouldnt be excited to play the ancient rubber ball game with the magic ancient rubber ball, you might as well save yourself the trouble of learning how to run this whole complicated room and just not mention the door to this area at all. Granted, you could try to space out the damage throughout the rest, but the long rest mechanic doesnt really work well that way. All feature deadly traps and creatures still bound to the dead empire. art of a green ogre mage fighting a group of adventurers. The shrine is an ancient Mayan/Aztec pyramid, and the module uses names, monsters, and characters based on that period. This is one of those rooms that can be left out of the adventure if you dont feel solid on how to run the room, or if you think that your players wouldnt be really interested by it. Grid and no-grid options of each map are provided. When a creature enters a pressure plate square, the panels swing out from the walls, barring the corridor. Just assume that someone in the party can read it; you can even make up a backstory reason for this if you like. Thats one of the things Im most interested to see in Tales from the Yawning Portal. For those who don't, save your [money] and make your own shrine. back cover bottom left, Product Number back cover bottom right. Apparently falling asleep for 5,000 years was a really popular thing back in the day. / 42.611722N 85.055667W / 42.611722; -85.055667. Seven maps at 70 DPI ready for online use. At least that way you can get the replaced-party-member situation out of the way quickly, and we all get on with our lives. Theres a lot going on in this room. The first time a stucco figure is removed from a diorama (including the dome), the figure crumbles to dust, releasing the d iorama's spirit, which appears within 2 squares of that diorama. The county was created from Perry County in 1908 and named in honor of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate general in the American Civil War and the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.Forrest County is part of the Hattiesburg, MS . Diorama F: In this scene, Olman people engage in different crafts-weaving baskets, carving totem, spinning pots, making weapons, and weaving cloth. text booklet is packaged inside the 8-page illustration booklet. Ghost Tower of Inverness. 11 Also, their file size tends to be smaller than scanned image books. Think through how you want to handle it ahead of time. The illustration booklet and adventure text are clear. If you choose to use the other, more obvious, entrance, the DM must read the rules from back to front, which can get confusing. / 42.611722N 85.055667W / 42.611722; -85.055667. Or else, I would just toss them in when it felt like the right time, which is what I actually ended up doing. Enjoy. Cover art of fire-breathing Full Masthead & Authors. Generally the full restoration of HP is considered to take place at the conclusion of the rest, but no matter how you decide to deal out the poison damage, its problematic. Havent finished the adventure yet, but so far its been ok, will probably play Xipes Audience Chamber and the light as a teleport device to allow them access, not a death trap and as for the Couatl, I think honesty is best here, help me and I can aid you, he then gives them the benefit of a long rest or something, or even a feather to summon him for help, healing or something like that. For those DMs who have trouble designing their own dungeons, I say buy it. It plays like an adventure serial, introducing the story with the action already in progress. The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan was originally published back in 1980, as an adventure for the first edition of D&D. Although the map and rules are detailed, they are also confusing. If youre running this adventure as a stand-alone, then the Olman language shouldnt be a barrier, but instead more of a flavor item. Sixth (1983+): Dark brown, color cover. 2. The gas has two important effects on the environment: it creates a lightly obscured area throughout the affected areas, and it deals recurring poison damage every hour. This is a TPK trap, pure and simple. 18 Miss: 2d8 + 6 necrotic damage. Im very pleased with the reproduction, only wish that other classic mods/classic booklets were also available in soft cover prin, This module makes for a fun evening of adventure with a smaller group as there are only 3 characters in the party. 29. There's also a peculiar connection in C1 to a later Greyhawk adventure. Ive been feeling for a while now that I gave rather short shrift to the Tomb of Pelota, so now theres a supplementary guide talking about how to run the official version, and also giving a modified version that I think will be more satisfying to play. A normal, good couatl would just say, look over here, good-aligned adventurer friends, Im trapped in this cylinder thing, please let me out. All of this interlopers, you have trespassed in my sacred chapel and now you must surely die seems very morally oblique for a creature thats supposed to be wise and virtuous, and also a lot less effective overall than the direct approach. You fall as the worldaoes black. Learn how we and our ad partner Google, collect and use data. Yes, its suspenseful, but its also dishonest. Cleverness and solving the puzzles were awarded, but there were so many gotcha moments included in the game that it was entirely reasonable to take some hits for acting like a normal person with common sense. is labeled "Author's Copy" and signed by Harold Johnson in the upper left corner, but does not have Leason's Theres also a glyph of warding that sets vengeance in motion in the form of assassins who come to kill anyone who triggers it, but these assassins take their sweet time and show up in a few weeks, well after the characters have moved on to other things and forgotten about this room completely. Sorry about that, but I did try. "Classic Modules Today: B4 The Lost City" contains the OpenOffice/LibreOffice source files used to create this PDF. Being in darkness, or having a darkness spell cast on the PC will delay the inevitable, provided the players can figure out to do either of those things before the unfortunate liquid-light toucher gets suffocated to death by the stuff. C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan (1e) - This module was originally used for the Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons tournament at. This one needs to be puzzled over long before the party ever gets near it. Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan (D&D 4e) 479 84 18MB English Pages 47 Report DMCA / Copyright DOWNLOAD PDF FILE Table of contents : Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan ..Page 1 Background ..Page 2 Adventure Start ..Page 3 2. All in all, this is a pretty good module, and theres a reason it ranks on many peoples top ten lists. was titled Lost Tamoachan: The Hidden Shrine of Lubaatum. They land in the lower chambers of an ancient underground labyrinth filled with dangerous tricks and traps, strange creatures, and poisonous gas. Im deadly serious about this, folks. Uploaded by cover, and finally with a brown color cover. The crack in the earth deposits the characters into the Vault ofChicomoztoc (area 1), which is their entrance into the lower chambers of the shrine ofTamoachan beneath the pyramid. Some of the unnumbered copies may And no, thats not exact, but its pretty close. Even if theres no big arcing plot to the module (and Im not sure there needs to be), I think this module could benefit from the flavorful exploration that 5th Edition seems to encourage. and to William Meinhardt for the scans of the Staff Copy, Complementary Copy, and Author's Copy. Copyright 2023 EBIN.PUB. Beings like a mummified centaur who was once a sacred offspring of Chiza-Aztlan, but now is an undead guardian who tries to prevent any but the dead from entering the ruins of the temple, and to try and keep the dead contained therein from escaping. Read more, 101 Obviously the doppelganger will not be able to kill any of the party members without the other players at the table being aware of it. In the original publication, Dungeon Masters were encouraged to research these real-world background elements to add depth and realism to the characters experience. of Tamoachan (note the change in title) with a pastel (monochrome) brown In my version of the module the PCs were aware of a rival band (Blacktalon mercs) trying to bust the dungeon, who fell into a different part of the ruins during the opening narration. The Hidden Shrine is a pretty decent adventure, both as a stand-alone module and as an extra piece integrated into a larger campaign. These products were created by scanning an original printed edition. Lost Tamoachan: The Hidden Shrine of Lubaatum by Harold Johnson and later updated to a module for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. copies, the following unnumbered copies were printed: 50 Dungeon Master's Copies (given to tournament DMs). 4MB Diorama C: In this scene, Olman people climb a tiered pyramid and give oflcrings in the temple at the top. Download now. This printing has the 8-page illustration booklet packaged inside the 300 numbered copies (plus some others see below) were printed for sale stabbing themselves with daggers. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. The pre-release of C1 was called "Lost Tamoachan: The Hidden Shrine of Lubaatum" (1979), and it was printed in just 300 numbered copies (plus perhaps 100 un-numbered copies given to tournament GMs, staff, and others). 95 A First Job. Dont make my mistake. Figuring out how long an hour is in any dungeon environment is always tricky, but for starters, remember that a short rest lasts an hour and a long rest lasts for eight hours. These maps were prepared to run C1: The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. Diorama D: This scene depicts a war. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1st Edition) Nickname. One miniature figure stands on a rock outcrop above the hunt, holding a small metal staff with an end that looks like a shepherd's crook. Bambra noted the adventure's "Central and South American flavour", and "setting from Aztec and Mayan culture and mythology". Dont screw up that trust by lying to them about some stupid fake poison gas in an unnecessary room in a toss-off adventure module. HIDDEN SHRINE OF TAMOACHAN 4E PDF. Diorama A: This river scene has Olman men, women, and children working along a river. If the characters take an extended rest in the lower chambers, the gas kills them. The "C" in the name stood for competition, and the adventure featured a scoring system and guidelines for tournament play. 1MB Tamoachan is located in the savage lands south of the Olman islands, southeast of the Holds of the Sea Princes in the land of Greyhawk. The hidden shrine of tamoachan pdf. [5] He stated that "This module is well thought out and is very detailed. TORRENT download. DM Rewards - Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Just make sure you dont lock anyone on the wrong side of the trap, because then they wont be able to get through into Area 3, and they cant escape through Area 1 either without being able to fly or something of that sort. This history of this product was researched and written by Shannon Appelcline, the author of Designers & Dragons - a history of the roleplaying industry told one company at a time. The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan, by Harold Johnson and Jeff R. Leason, was originally published in 1980 as an adventure for the first edition of the D&D game. The only way I can think of to permanently relieve this problem and save the characters life is to amputate the affected limb before the liquid light can spread beyond it. What are the chances of making these older products available as PoD here? The doors are heavy, and it takes a standard action to open or close one instead of a minor action. Enough said about that. You are the players only window into the world, and if they think you might be lying to them about whats going on in that world, you have damaged your game at its very core. Poisonous Gas: The lower chambers of the shrine (the entirety of areas l through 25) are filled with a slow-acting but deadly poisonous gas, the effects of which the characters will immediately realize. One of the first ever adventures I played. I read that trap as a seesaw-type thing. It is also the key to the chamber's only door. I just made the poison real, so if they failed to get the antidote, they would really have died from the poison. Creatures in the caved-in area take 2d6 damage from falling debris and are slid to the nearest square outside the area (of your choice), and the caved-in area becomes blocking terrain.
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