how to read oscar cpap

The Time at Pressure has pressure on the x-axis and time duration (in minutes) on the y-axis. How did it feel? For further questions, or concerns, please feel free to call us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at: In our prescriptions for bilevel, I would venture that the average gap is in the 5 to 6 range with tremendous variation, including some with a gap of only 2 or 3. Hey Pat, an AHI of 5.6 denotes Mild Sleep Apnea. Please tell me what the numerical values mean when running the mask fit. Empower Yourself TheLankyLefty27 60.7K subscribers Join 16K views 2 years ago As an Amazon Associate, I earn on. Hi - would like to help you but could you possibly look again at Oscar re posting what and what not? The great news is youre not doomed. since then im on cpap titration. Please speak with your doctor for further interpretation of your AHI. Now please tell me, does it record a maximum pressure also? I would however, recommend you speaking with your doctor since they are able to review your therapy data to determine if any of your settings need to be adjusted. Join the Online CPAP Support Community.This video shows how to go through your data in SleepyHead and determine. However it tells me the leak rate is high at 37 litres/min. If you would like to continue wearing the full face mask, you may consider using Mask Liners, to assist with the rash that you are experiencing. Bookmarks are created using the [bookmark tab] on the daily page: In the [right sidebar] click on the Bookmarks button at the bottom of the sidebar. CPAP Software . Also, make sure that you have no leak coming from your hose. Thank you!!! Please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or e-mail us at: with any further questions, or concerns. These two event are indicated by dashed lines and circles. I am a new CPAP user. Filipino / SleepStyle CPAP does not record these so OSCAR calculates those numbers from the flow graph. The graphical display of events is useful in determining whether they occurred at a particular time, in clusters, or spaced throughout the night. For each parameter (referred to as a 'channel') the panel shows the minimum recorded, the median, 95th percentile and the maximum. The settings shown will vary according to the type of machine. The night before was 4.5 before that 2.3. Hi Sherry, im sorry to hear that you were not given sufficient information about your sleep data. After using CPAP last night I want to take a look on the data. Was never an issue till I starting using the machine. These allow you to inspect all the important things which happened during the night, right down to a breath-by-breath review. What is the difference between the two? The exception: In the File/Preferences/CPAP tab there is a section for those of you that may want to experiment called Custom CPAP User Event Flagging. by dorilou28 Sun May 16, 2021 1:31 pm, Post HI I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea (ahi of 8) so I was given an auto CPAP or APAP. As a result, the Resmed does not very often miss its minute vent target. Thanks (PS I looked at the clinicians manual, and it didnt explain anything.). I get that you're a wreck now, but you're trying too hard all at once to get it going and it does take a while. Clicking the year allows you to quickly change to a different year. I was chronically tired and overweight. I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE. I dont understand and have been reading and reading. by palerider Sun May 16, 2021 3:40 pm, Post The AutoSet algorithm responds proportionally and so a metric is used for each condition to which it responds. In addition, Philips machines show individual snores as events labeled VS1 and VS2 (vibratory snore 1 and 2). Each time the machine is started then stopped is called a session. When a person breathes in, oxygen from the surrounding atmosphere enters the lungs. female, IBW = 45.5 + (2.3 * (height [in] - 60)); and Ive been on CPAP for about 15 years. Modern CPAP machines are incredibly sophisticated and capable devices that can provide a wide range of specific results recorded as data throughout the night. We have a product called bFan, that may provide you some relief. OSCAR, the Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter ~ Official Download Page ~ As a backup measure, pressure is also raised if an apnoea is detected. Congrats on your weight loss! My episodes per hour seem to vary if I go to bed later at night. You can search for particular text in your bookmarks using the search window at the top of the sidebar (under the word Bookmarks). It shows airflow in and out of your lungs throughout the night. If the sizing is not correct, this could be the cause of the high leak rate. Divide hypopnea + apnea by sleep time and then multiply the number by 60. However, there is one form of PB that is called Cheyne-Stokes Respiration (CSR) that is clearly associated with some forms of heart disease, including congestive heart failure. Hello Ive use a cpap machine for many years and never seen this emblem ? Login or Create an Account Apnea Board Forum - CPAP | Sleep Apnea / Public Area / Main Apnea Board Forum / Understanding OSCAR Data As the disease progresses, daytime symptoms become prominent, and patients rely on a breathing pattern similar to the one seen in other restrictive lung diseases, i.e., shallow, rapid breathing.[10][11]. This is caused by a dysfunction in the central nervous system, not a physical obstruction, and requires a different type of machine and PAP therapy. ResMed ASV maintains a constant Minute Volume to manage Central Sleep Apnea. / A BiLevel, the next class of device up, it is 10 inches of water or 25 cmw. Program identification, menu, and tabs, as found on all screens within OSCAR. AHI stands for Apnea Hypopnea Index. Apneas (200), Hypopnea (200) = Total number of episodes is 400. Svenska / [new] Detect DreamStation 2 cards, which are still unsupported. For the past 2 months I was getting a reading of 2 or smaller for BOTH EPH and AHI. I have started using vent med Ds-6 cpap machine.its sleep report doesnt say anything about AHI.AM I LOOKING AT RIGHT PLACE. It sounds like your CPAP therapy is working well for you. Its also used to determine how well treatment is working like a CPAP device, for instance. Does that mean that my overall sleep apnea problem is now no more? A feature of flow limitation is that while the downstream pressure is sufficiently low to keep the tube collapsed the flow-rate will be more or less maintained at a constant value, regardless of changes to the driving pressure. I have a sophisticated machine that I do not know how to use, and thats bad business!!! I am new with a BIPAP dream machine, Pressure support from bilevel therapy can actually off-load some of the physical effort of inspiration to the machine and help you fill your lungs easier and more rapidly. iam on mild sedative for anxiety disorder, also but still insomnia. I have been using an APAP for about 3 weeks. Hi Peter, the leak rate can effect your AHI. What does the 10 mean? Example before midnight with machine my episodes are 2.8 .But if I go to bed when not working at 3:00 A.M. episodes go up to 6 to 9 per hour with machine also. AHI is the score given to determine the severity of your sleep apnea. If not, you should. You mentioned that the fixed pressure and masks are the same with both machines, but what about other settings? Should have said at least 9 hours. 1 OSCAR Help 2 Creating a Profile 3 Importing Data into OSCAR the FIRST time 3.1 macOS Ventura 13 users 4 Importing Data into OSCAR AFTER the first time 4.1 Step 1. Didn't think so. Congrats on getting your AHI down! You are correct, the machine is designed to decrease the number of Apneas that you have. Here's an example of PB that may be CSR pulled from a ResMed machine: Evaluation Does the leak rate effect your AHI number. Hi Graham, my apologies, but I have no information on what the meaning of RE is. If you have serious heart disease and you see a lot of PB scored in your flow rate data, it is worth mentioning it to your cardiologist as well as your sleep doctor. At the same time, carbon dioxide continuously forms as long as metabolism takes place. Most machines categorize a normal leak rate if the leak registers 20-24L/minute or less, but you should always know what constitutes a higher than normal leak rate on your machine. initially i felt really good but since last one week i woke up every hour at night with gasping for air. P / The two arrows that surround the bubble with the highlighted date move one day backward or forward. Is that AHI score likely to be inaccurate with a high leak rate? Through sleep study I was diagnosed in the severe category at 31increasing to 65 in deep REM with O2 levels down to 80%. CPAP machines now have features that can "ramp" up your pressure to make it easier for you to adjust to at the beginning of your sleep session while "automatic" machines can intelligently adjust your pressure up and down automatically based on your current AHI pattern while you sleep. Sudden increases in leak rate that have a flat top followed by a sudden drop can be an indication of an open mouth with a nasal mask. The severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS), according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Task Force follows the below categories. It isnt perfect, but it isnt bad. Designed to help improve therapy, enhance efficacy and support long-term compliance, ResScan allows for easy review and tracking of long-term clinical indices and trends via easy . PB is flagged with a green background on the flow rate data. When my doctor saw that my 30-day average for AHI was 5.6, he said that was fine. ResMed machines record Respiration Rate, Tidal Volume, and Minute Vent, they are not calculated. Thanks everyone. Session starting, ending, and total times. Each manufacturer defines and flags unique defines whats constitutes a large leak, and are reported as Total Leak Rathis rate includes both the excessive leak and the intentional leak made for preventing re-breathing the CO2. Please see the link below for more information on headache and other side effects that you may experience. Caution: before changing any of the settings on your machine, make sure you write down each and every pre-set setting so that if you make a mistake, you can change it back to the way it was. This can be useful if (for example) you had a very brief nap in the afternoon and want to exclude it from the night's results. Then you can put it in the reader and upload to OSCAR or Sleepyhead. Let us know. The same for RERAs (RE), though not all machines report RERAs. I bought my ResMed AirSense 10 CPAP machine a few months ago, and it came with NO USER INSTRUCTIONS. [new] Improve Somnopose import options. Which is the more significant reading of the two? OSCAR - the Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter OSCAR is software compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems, developed for reviewing and exploring data produced by supported CPAP, bilevel, ventilators and related machines used in the treatment of sleep apnea. EPR=3 requires a min of not less than 7. I am going to tell my Doctor about this. The diaphragm is the primary muscle of inspiration and is the one most commonly affected in NMDs. If you would like to go over your machine settings, please feel free to reach our customer service department at: 1-800-356-5221. I feel energized as hell. My questions are 1) is the AHI measurement standard on all machines the same or is perhaps the Respironics more sensitve to what it considers an event? I still have my machine from my prior bout with SA and told him to cancel that order. Please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at:, with further questions, or concerns. Hi Melissa, it sounds like the machine is displaying your pressure setting. In this example, an AHI of 57 falls into the severe sleep apnea category. by dorilou28 Sun May 16, 2021 12:09 pm, Post This is what causes some of the CA events. plz answer. My prescription has it set to a range of 8-20. I am also exhausted at 10 am. Tidal Volume is managed by Philips Respironics ASV for the purpose of managing Central Sleep Apnea. I like less pressure because it makes me more comfortable. Manufacturers designed compliance tracking machines to meet Medicares requirements mandating durable medical equipment providers show the equipment was used for Medicares set minimum number of hours. In response to your question no, CPAP Therapy is not supposed to make you feel worse. The mask pressure graph shows the pressure at the mask on a breath-by-breath basis. Yesterday I lower the pressure and I got a little lower AHI as a result. You then take this number and multiply by 60. The Philips lags in both directions. Nocturnal REM-related hypoventilation is one of the earliest signs of respiratory muscle involvement in neuromuscular disease. My auto set settings are 11-18. They are often identified as a fundamental part of RERAs and UARS. I had sleep apnea and used a cpap machine for 2 years with success. Please confirm with your doctor what the RE means and a possible explanation as to why it has doubled. I will go read and Ill be back with hopefully the correct graph to show you all. Your low readings means your CPAP machine is working for you. by dorilou28 Sun May 16, 2021 12:41 pm, Post Your AHI score is most likely accurate, but you can always speak with your sleep therapist, or doctor to have your data reviewed. It will display the image in the post. see the Wiki article Optimizing_therapy#Positional_Apnea, Correlation with other charts indicating cause and effect. Which mask are you most comfortable wearing? Is something wrong? Patients with a weak diaphragm rely on other muscles of inspiration, such as the external intercostals, to maintain adequate tidal volume. The two arrows on the blue bar with the month's name allow you to jump forward or backward by a month. so i guess my question is does the machine not pick up on and notate all apnea issues ,and does it hurt to wear a CPAP if you dont really need it. To turn the pie chart on and off, press Ctrl-P on your keyboard (For macOS press fn-F3). I installed OSCAR and selected the SD card. A slow increasing leak is more likely the mask just being dislodges somewhat. I thought the machine was supposed to ramp up and down as need rather than maintaining a constant setting. On the Philips Respironics web pages, PB is defined as "Periodic breathing is defined as alternating periods of hyperventilation with waxing/waning tidal volume" Typically the waxing and waning pattern must be quite regular in visual appearance and it must present for at least a minute or two for PB to be scored. They may want to do an additional sleep test. I went back into Oscar and have no clue how to capture the entire chart showing lines across from it. Whats total AI means? It can take some getting used to. The normal tidal volume is 6 to 8 ml/kg. You can always try a different mask for comfort, but youd be risking an increase in your AHI, leak rate, and/or comfort. As a result, alveolar overdistension and lung injury might occur. Mask Pressure is used in advanced cases such as for Central Apnea or other breathing issues where the breathing is paced (Timed) such as in some cases of COPD. Less than 0 events? . Espaol / Its the number of times per sleep hour that your upper airway (soft palate at your throat or tongue) partially or completely collapses, causing a drop in blood oxygen levels or a slight arousal from sleep. Your email address will not be published. High tidal volumes also decrease venous return and reduce cardiac output. What can I do? The AHI, is considered normal if under 5, so your AHI of 7, is too high. This section is new and under development, so please bear with us. To go to a particular bookmark, click on the date. This page was last modified on 12 December 2022, at 06:01. It is a vital clinical parameter that allows for proper ventilation to take place. Different amounts of air will be needed if your sleep apnea occurs due to: Also, being obese or overweight could exacerbate things. The Pressure Interval for 8.6 is highlighted in yellow. in feb 2019 i diagnosed with mild OSA. You can select which events to display using the event flag selector at the bottom left of the chart area. My ahi was 10, Im sure if I took that sleep test a couple of times it would be 5 or below. The CPAP pressure level will be prescribed to the highest level you require during the night. Thanks Graham. To assist in understanding your devices responses. <--. Don't go to bed until you're tired. Note that on this chart flow limits are under-reported as compared to what we can visualize on the flow rate graph discussed above. This is the pressure the device is set at. The Time at Pressure is a companion graph of the Pressure graph, using the same data and configuration. etina/ If it was 120 L/min then I would be concerned. My pressure ranges from 5 to 7 each night and my AHI is down to 0.4 per hour. The events shown here are all, alright, almost all, reported by your xPAP machine. Medications that relax the muscles of the airway (i.e. Also, are you using a humidifier and, or heated hose? Can you please let me know what I need to post? Resmed machines show a single trace indicating the additional leak. Please make certain that you are using the correct size mask also. In order to find out why your apneas increased, please speak with your doctor as he/she would be able to review your therapy data in depth to see what happened when you returned to sleep. It also shows the pressure settings. After a month using average 7-8 hours at night day time when I sleep in the afternoon it napped more than 2hours. It then diffuses across the alveolar-capillary interface to reach arterial blood. Note that the AHI shown is only for the 'sessions' which are turned on (see below). Click the Green arrow & bar >| to move to the latest date with data. Your email address will not be published. Can you explain why? Normal results typically range between 80% and 120% of the prediction. How am I supposed to do that? Summary Information (AHI, Machine, Hours, Event rates), Tabs: Details, events, notes and bookmarks, Cheyne Stokes Respiration Description (CSR), Issue - Various (Flow Limitation, Snoring, Mouth Breathing), Additional Info - Flow Limitation/UARS and BiPAP, ResMed - AUTOMATED CONTROL FOR DETECTION OF FLOW LIMITATION - Patent Application, Respiration Rate, Tidal Volume, and Minute Vent,,, copyright and user agreement, The left part of the Daily screen is referred to as the. During REM, almost all body muscles, including respiratory muscles, become hypotonic, except for the diaphragm. During REM sleep, there is generalized hypotonia of all respiratory muscles, except for the diaphragm, and a healthy person becomes diaphragm dependent. This chart is basically a running count of the number of 'events' (OA + CA + H) in the previous 60 minutes. If data has been imported from a Zeo sleep monitor device, additional graphs will be available, including Sleep stage, To reset the graph order for the Advanced Charts click on View/Reset Graphs/Advanced. We wish you continued success with your CPAP Therapy! The normal leak rate is 24 L/min, so your 37 is a bit on the high side. Philips Respironics ASV manages Tidal Volume for the purpose of managing Central Sleep Apnea. By your xPAP machine dislodges somewhat other settings, my apologies, but I have no information on and. Hello Ive use a CPAP device, for instance the number of apneas you. 37 is a companion graph of the two arrows that surround the bubble with the month 's name allow to! Its Minute vent target machine settings, please feel free to reach arterial blood or heated hose about settings. Volume, and it didnt explain anything. ) hopefully the correct size mask also chart... I need to Post you can select which events to display using machine! 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