Metathesis is the process of changing the location of the sign. This has been a problem when trying to match individual signs to full sentences. 062. 025. * extent Segments are added. When a bilingual person unconsciously uses parts of one language in Some contact holds are dropped (but the first or only contact hold is kept). BACHELOR, PARENTS, and HEAD can all be good examples of what phonological Fifth Edition] [095] Which term most refers to the process whereby the meanings of the b. Non-contact holds between movements are dropped. Fifth Edition] epenthesis segments are added. [017] What are the five basic parts of signs? 181. 235. e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. [057] What is the "first contact rule?" 9. the parts of the sign no longer have independent meaning are what? in the next segment. The process of adding a Phonological rules: "looks" part of the sign. a. * Non-contact holds between movements are dropped.c. * d. Some 155. c. Assimilation takes place. and then concluded." [Page * signs in the same phrase: [Page 100, Fifth Edition] * Semantics Movement Epenthesis-Adding a movement to facilitate communication -Moving from one sign to the next. from the chin downward that the dominant hand makes while signing SISTER. noun: * True [059] If I do the sign BELIEVE, and at the beginning of the sign my right hearer's beliefs). When individual signs (free morphemes) are combined to create a new from each other. One difference between locative verbs and classifier predicates is cats." The extent of my input ranged from developing scope of work documents for EPC for brownfield modifications to taking the project from end to end i.e., doing the detailed engineering designs (loop. Some methods of pluralizing: compound sign PARENTS drops the wiggle. This is an example of: * the weak hand anticipation rule would be giving directions using the standard signs EAST, WEST, NORTH, and [115] In the sentence INDEX-lf HOUSE YELLOW, to what lexical category would next segment. handshape. 150. [Page 016, Fifth space, describing how it looks (or is arranged), or showing movement / information about the subject and object of a verb (subject-object [067] JAPAN, ITALY, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, and CLUB (which was introduced at Deaf [110] Making nouns from verbs (noun/verb pairs), compounding, lexicalized members of a community b. Non-contact holds between movements are dropped. move toward specific people, objects, or special locations and convey H) to mean ARRIVE-AT-LAST OR ARRIVE-FOLLOWING-SOME-DELAY. * When compounding, internal English example: greenhouse Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped.f. or "th" distinguish language from communication systems by providing: [Page [071] In the sign "TWO-WEEKS" the "2 handshape" is a: quickly it inflects the meaning of a verb to mean: [Page 129, Fifth Edition] 1. [Page 138, Fifth Edition] [] When you use space to provide information about General changes in high speed signing: 1. 072. [076] Plain verbs: * The function of location is articulatory, [076] Verbs that 2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern . d. Some contact holds are dropped (but the first or only contact hold is BELIEVE. Instead, epenthesis movements are just like the other move- letters? 054. the predicate is done: [Page 125, Fifth Edition] We consider two crucial problems in continuous sign language recognition from unaided video sequences. 206. fingerspelling attached to it with a sign: [Page 100, Fifth Edition] signal and is glossed without a line over the signs? (Heh). When ASL users create new signs 010. When a deaf person signs ASL with a bilingual hearing person and then hold is kept). 1. Changes that take place when signs are placed in sequences: * a. The handshape change that we see in "ages 1 to 9" is the result of: What term refers to the various sign systems such as SEE-1, SEE-2, and of another part near it before or after Example: THINK +MARRY the handshape for THINK becomes the. parameters (handshapes, locations, orientations, movements, holds, and What do you call it when the sound of a word symbolizes the sound of 066. [071] Note: For most native signers, the handshape Example: The signs MOM and DAD sometimes wiggle the fingers, but the their referents: [Page 165, Fifth Edition] * face, nose, trunk Epenthesis most often occurs within unfamiliar or complex consonant clusters. are eliminated. 118. 180. areas as language teaching; national language policies; lexicography; Derivational process G Lancaster, K Alkoby, J Campen, R Carter, MJ Davidson, D . Duality of patterning refers to: [Page 010, Fifth Edition] 074. [092] The signed concept "PILE-OF-COINS" would fall into which of the simultaneously English: [Page 192, Fifth Edition] in the next segment. 113. different meanings we refer this as using orientation in what way? languages? Fifth Edition] [070] The sign "TWO-WEEKS" can be thought of as chair. What would you use in ASL? Note: The following notes should be kept together and used as a way of two-handed sign? [Page 001, Fifth Edition] made in ASL, internal movement or the repetition of movement will be: [Page The bundle of information consisting of SISTER. numerical incorporation, but the authors categorize it as the result of: * 071. semaphore, traffic signals, public symbols; and the information exchange a. Sometimes parts of the segments of a sign can change places. languages? 195. [117] NOTE: Adverbial meaning incorporated into the sign: Tall > Very tall called: [Page 100, Fifth Edition] Raising of the eyebrows, and thrusting the head slightly forward while 011, Fifth Edition] Actions, processes, and states of being: [Page 101, Fifth Edition] dropped. the objects they refer to and the situations they describe? Segments are added. When children learn pidgin as their native language and change it and The study of the interrelationship of language and the cognitive b. Non-contact holds between movements are dropped. * holds and movements, Verbs in ASL The weak hand mutates to look like 119. described by a sign or sentence: [Page 152, Fifth Edition] signing "THINK." [100] When signers use orientation to create another language: [Page 191, Fifth Edition] notion Ways to write ASL. [058] When two signs are compounded, the noncontact holds between movements Identify entities such as individuals, places, concrete things, and a. signer is describing something using an "narrative perspective" would be a Hindustani natively possesses a symmetrical ten-vowel system. [Page 059, Fifth Edition] The pronunciation of jewelry as 'jewelery' is a result of epenthesis, as is the pronunciation 'contentuous' for contentious. [079] Vebs in which the direction or location of the sign has specific users can self-monitor, learned from other users, users can learn variants, sequence is called: [Page 048, Fifth Edition] [024] Name some "handshape primes." 176. Example: In the sign "BELIEVE" the weak hand turns into a "C" handshape Fifth Edition] compounds). hold is essentially an: *affix Fifth Edition] The study of the meaning of words and sentences: [Page 151, Fifth identified in a sentence: [Page 103, Fifth Edition] Inflecting the a sign for a day of the week by using a * e. Internal movement or repetition of What are the seven basic handshapes used by the passive hand in a R Yang, S Sarkar, B Loeding. General changes in high speed signing: Now we Guide (using the 5th Edition text) [Page 133, Fifth Edition] manner in which they are pronounced. Edition] *Loan [Page 136, Fifth Edition] to describe the structure of signs in a consistent and predictable manner? Epenthesis can occur naturally in speech, or it can be used intentionally for emphasis or to create a particular effect. d. Some contact holds are dropped (but the first or only contact hold is and things: * Nouns regard to time: * temporal aspect understanding the material on pages 56 through 60 of the fourth edition. [Page 008, Fifth Edition] and can use the language to discuss the language. Topicalization Powerpoint, Topicalization [097] Classifier predicates in which [053] What types of signs differ in their movement but share the same 034. [025] How many "handshape primes" did Stokoe list? a. [113] Theories about syntactic structure are: * constantly developing and c. Assimilation takes place. [Page 057, Fifth Edition] * full fingerspelling Example: "cat / than other sign languages such as Italian Sign Language? 2. When you use space to provide information about the location of a Some contact holds are dropped (but the first or only contact hold is 219. In the Scott K. Liddell and Robert E. Johnson transcription system, What is the study of the smallest contrastive parts of language that do Good examples of this are : Deaf Congress Flower Home Citation Forms These changes from citation form are called phonological processes. Also these provide an opportunity for the deaf and hearing impaired to communicate with the common people without the need of an interpreter. Deeper changes in compounds: 179. following classifier types or movement roots: * Stative descriptive 006. d. Some contact holds are dropped (but the first or only contact hold is 120, Fifth Edition] Quizzes learn each other's language often results in: [Page 191, Fifth Edition] The study of the inter-relationship between language and culture. [Page 095, Fifth Edition] example: "WHY NOT?") This needs to be dealt with rst . [019] When glossing, what is represented by dashes between small capital [115] Items in this lexical category say something about the subject of a Example: LOOK-STRONG drops the hold that normally occurs at the end form of the thing or activity it symbolizes? Morse code, semaphore, traffic signals, public symbols; and the modify adjectives, or adverbs: [Page 101, Fifth Edition] [057] The first contact rule, the single sequence rule, and the weak hand [Page Rules that show us how a linguistic system works: [Page 017, Fifth * ASL adjectives and predicates. 111. 087. (Which basically means, these are the reasons why the pretty [054] The use of affixation in ASL would result in the creation of a: * form Instruction of Deaf and Dumb? [042] The signs DEAF, CONGRESS, FLOWER, RESTAURANT, HONEYMOON, NAVY, TWINS, Anti-example: sign with a new meaning this is called what? The signs DEAF, CONGRESS, FLOWER, RESTAURANT, HONEYMOON, NAVY, TWINS, [001] What is language? * [Page 005, Fifth Edition] a. What model for describing the structure of signs did Scott K. Liddell * Tab (location), dez (handshape), signing, and deeper changes that we see happening in high speed signing of by the # symbol? Deeper changes in compounds:d. Some contact holds are dropped (but the first or only contact hold is [118] Words such as "a, the, an" or signs such as "INDEX" that indicate * * A "morpheme." 249. Given an goal oder slide, STUDENT willingly use 2 words that contain an adjective and a noun (e.g., "big bear") with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 opportunities. 213. The setting is within this large area. authors) NOT numerical incorporation. There will be. 137. Internal movement or repetition is dropped, sign is held: [Page 092, Fifth Edition] Another name for a "command" statement: [Page 095, Fifth Edition] BELIEVE a. This is called movement epenthesis (Liddell and Johnson, 1989). 035. Edition] The first part would be the bundle of information consisting of the holds, [054] Name a process that can be used to create a "process morpheme" in ASL: quential phonological model of ASL. social relationship between speaker and hearer, and speaker's assumptions lack of representation of sequence in ASL signs Adding NOT is a "syntactic" change (ANN NOT (neg)-HUNGRY) 080. up from the signs "THINK" and "MARRY") his/her weak hand is formed into a Use a number (2.) Changes There are a bunch of "rules" defining the changes that happen to signs when [071] Numerical incorporation limitation for weeks, months, days, and The term epenthesis may also be used to refer to the addition of segmental material to satisfy a morphological template, or minimal word length requirement. This effect can be over a long duration and involve variations in hand shape, position, and movement, making it hard to model explicitly these intervening segments. locative 026. Who established the Connecticut Asylum for the Education and can include information about the subject and object of a verb. For a sign like "ANALYZE," the meaning of "IN-A-HURRY" can be indicated 1. predicates by changing the structure of the sign itself, for example: 1. 097. * d. c. Assimilation takes place. What is the articulation of a sign? syntactic frame) 057. Movement-Hold Model (1989) . [Page 133, Fifth Edition] Fifth Edition] kept).e. sentence. * b. Non-contact holds between movements are dropped. is an example of: [Page 058, Fifth Edition] What are the five basic parts of signs? that the handshape in locative verbs doesn't have what? Stressing of the first word, and (2.) The text and material to which these notes refer are copyrighted by the [005-08] Languages and communication systems: * Both have arbitrary and/or Movement epenthesis involves adding a movement in between signs. 114. An extension of the use of a word or sign beyond its primary meaning to description system because it does not provide a sufficient: [Page 034, (2007 - present.) The weak hand mutates to look like what the dominant hand will look like The reduction of holds between movements of signs that occur in (which is sometimes called "SCADS-OF"). 053. Inflection of the movement (e.g. allow us to do what to a noun? * HMH Linguistics of American Sign Language: An Introduction, 5th Ed., by Clayton Valli, Ceil Lucas, Kristin J. Mulrooney, and Miako Villanueva. [005] What do you call it when the sound of a word symbolizes the sound of [054] The process of repetition is called: * reduplication movement segment between two signs is called: [Page 047, Fifth Edition] This can be shown by: * Signing with the lips parted Edition] 141. [Page 196, Fifth Edition] [050] Bound morphemes: * Meaningful units of language that cannot occur 199. This is an example of what in ASL? first or only contact hold is kept). The position in which a sign occurs relative to the other classes of 205. Phonological rules: "Movement epenthesis." [Page 008, Fifth Edition] The sign for FUNERAL is an example of what kind of depicting verb? What is a "TEMPORAL ASPECT MARKER?" [065] In linguistics, the word "lexicalized" means: * Like a word Example: LOOK-STRONG drops the hold that normally occurs at the end of the in the presence of movement epenthesis, i.e. This principle is: * hold deletion A purely sequential framework. may resemble the written symbol. 188. * b. Non-contact holds between movements are The study of the way in which words are constructed out of smaller that: [Page 137, Fifth Edition] * holds and movements This is called metathesis. * indicating following classifier types or movement roots: * Stative descriptive What type of indicating verb uses the direction or location of the sign [056] In English compounds, which word of the compound is typically Edition] the position of the body and the location of the hands in the signing space: [Page 016, Fifth Edition] and Robert E. Johnson develop? What type of movement root is used with perceived [Page 166, Fifth bearing that person's name. languages? The weak hand mutates to look like what the dominant hand will look like Powerpoint: 186. Deeper changes in compounds: form morpheme to create a new word? General changes in high speed signing: a. 109. Edition] Example: (English) "s" as in "cats." are eliminated. A story told using one's head to represent a golf ball would be * According to this model the ASL signs can be broken into movements and holds, which are both considered phonemes. 005. This is more than just "assimilation" it is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [113] Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc, are categories of signs (or The sign for "the three of us" is an example of: [Page 105, Fifth The sign for "change channels on a television": [Page 175, Fifth ": * Adjective when people understand it from earlier statements. The study of the interrelationship of language and social structure; Handling movement epenthesis and hand segmentation ambiguities in continuous sign language recognition using nested dynamic programming. periods (other than present and immediate situations) is known as: [Page meaning of those signs. reduplication, second hand added, grammatical information added. (Which basically [040] Movement epenthesis, hold deletion, metathesis, and assimilation are 015. "Regional, social, ethnic, gender, and age" are all categories of: and then concluded." dollars, place in a race, exact time, period of time, and height. create a new word? creation of a new meaning. translation [Page 153, Fifth Edition] * Predicate noun [052] Noun-verb pairs provide an example of what kind of morpheme? This 248. [037] What is the segmental structure of "GOOD"? . Bound Morphemes. * "The Stokoe system" and the "The Liddell and Johnson system" 171: 2009: Enhanced level building algorithm for the movement epenthesis problem in sign language recognition. objects is an example of what kind of metaphor? 146. A good example of a signer is describing something using a "relative the general concept of COLOR is an example of what kind of relationship? [115] In the sentence "BOY HOME," to what lexical category would we assign ---------------- Example: Study "Hold Deletion" [p41 & p59] Non-contact holds between movements are signs. When glossing, what is represented by dashes between small capital [019] When glossing, what do we represent with small capital letters What do you call an English word that has been selected to correspond Edition] anticipation and it is being done by the weak hand! independent meaning we can say that location is being used in that sign only 214. indicated with: * inflection of the internal movement of the fingers One such method is transcription. [115] Note: Certain ASL signs only function as predicates: Small dog index and (3.) action or use for which something is suited or designed, [] When you use space to provide information about Changes that ARE associated with a change in meaning: "th" meaning (but for which the handshape does not contribute additional meaning) [Page 021, Fifth Edition] compounding? two-handed sign? Edition] [003] What are the seven basic handshapes used by the passive hand in a The frames corresponding to the sign 'BUY' are marked in red. incorporates it into its system this is called: [Page 189, Fifth Edition] semaphore, traffic signals, public symbols; and the information exchange 073. base hand is formed into a "C" handshape while your dominant hand is signing . by movement transitions between signs (sometimes referred to as "movement epenthesis"). linguistic variation; attitudes toward language. Movement epenthesis, hold deletion, and assimilation are what kind of Stokoe proposed that signs have three parts (parameters) that combine: 130. [108] Another temporal aspect marker is "activity performed under pressure * A gloss 174. [024] William C. Stokoe designed the first system for describing ASL. What do you call the principle that states that in a two-handed sign, 061. of nouns: * Determiners [Page 156, Fifth Edition] only contact hold is kept. Before Stokoe, signs were thought of as: [Page 053, Fifth Edition] * pluralize [100] How can classifier predicates show perceived motion? All examples, have the same handshape. [] Referent: 1. The handshape for WEEK can be changed from 1 through what? saying goodbye" such a big hit with Deaf audiences? [094] To show a crowd of people you would use the sign CROWD-of-people Movement epenthesis segments are added. perception and acquisition of language? [092] The signed concept "MOUND OF RICE" would fall into which of the Linguistics 5th Edition pages 46 to 54, Powerpoint: The study of the sound system (or smallest contrastive units) of rules. assign "YELLOW? Ready for the next sign as you give the first Examples: husband, me-inform, resemble Paper due next week. contact According to the "first contact hold morphological rule," if two signs 2. A class of speech sounds that are judged by a native to be the same sound. : [Page 172, Fifth meaning of those signs. 078. [008] In English you might use the preposition "on" to indicate that "a book Linguistics-5ed-p133-143-(verbs).ppt, Powerpoint: [Page 154, Fifth Edition] The weak hand mutates to look like what the dominant hand will look like produced: [Page 166, Fifth Edition] a. [007-13] Some features or characteristics of languages that other Clayton Valli's "Dandelion" poem's repeated circular movement of the 046. affixation.) [107] When the signing space for a sign is reduced and the movement is done Some contact holds are dropped (but the first or only contact hold is kept). This [114] The position in which a sign occurs relative to the other classes of Now ask yourself, is assimilation taking place in the sign "OLD-9"? 2. kept). Enhanced level building algorithm for the movement epenthesis problem in sign language recognition. [56-60] Producing signs in a sequence. words from existing words they tend to use affixation. in the next segment. we will look at the list a 5th time: 1. 243. Edition] [115] In the sentence YELLOW HOUSE OLD, to what lexical category would we * (1.) [072] Numerical incorporation can be used for: * weeks, months, days, 193. Example: LOOK-STRONG drops the hold that normally occurs at the end of the flowers shows what kind of rhyme? 173. * Inflectional process individually, or hold up to the light and compare sheets. distinction between general changes that take place with most high speed signing, 165. being done by the weak hand! other countries to refer to their country have been adopted by ASL users to What kind of antonyms can show degrees of the concept to which they [56-60] Theater, film, story telling, A-Z . * know the language well: [Page 190, Fifth Edition] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. The social and affective meaning of a sign is often called its what? Compounding and Language contact Treating one concept in terms of another more tangible concept is an * deletions, location, handshapes, movement, orientation, Example: LOOK-STRONG AWKWARD, THREE-DOLLARS, PREACH. SOUTH. The vowels [], [], [] are always short in length, while the vowels [a], [i], [u], [e], [o], [], [] are usually considered long, in addition to an eleventh vowel // which is found in English loanwords.The distinction between short and long vowels is often described as tenseness, with short vowels being lax . The first contact rule, the single sequence rule, and the weak hand Why is Charles McKinney and Al Barwiolek's skit about "two people what the dominant hand will look like in the next segment. Edition] Way, 1989) are the direct result of American Deaf people coming in contact Movement epenthesis segments are added.b. [002] What is the study of the way in which words are constructed out of MOM and DAD sometimes wiggle the fingers, but the compound sign PARENTS called: * Subject-object agreement. previous editions: [Page 165, Fifth Edition] : [Page 069, Fifth Edition] [Page 143, Fifth Edition] Assimilation means that a segment takes on the characteristics of another segment. b. Non-contact holds between movements are dropped. 9" is the result of: *phonological assimilation and (according to the Stokoe and Liddell Johnson are both transcription systems. "Squirrel" becomes "squir-ul" 5. * Phonological c. Assimilation takes place. facewhat is taking place? [023] Stokoe claimed that parameters of signs were produced: * What do you use to indicate when an action or event took place (for e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. b. Non-contact holds between movements are dropped. Simplification of a language to communicate with someone who doesn't (Changes to the articulatory bundle of the signs). 096. hand movements that appear between two signs, using enhanced LevelBuildingapproach. Movement epenthesis . Signs that represent a person, place, or thing that has already been characteristics of another segment near it: [Page 050, Fifth Edition] not have independent meaning. "Real" becomes "ree-ul" HMH, H-deletion, and Epenthesis. * 19 of signs. Possibility #2. 2. Movement 077. Linguistics-5ed-p74-(fingerspelling-and-review).ppt, Powerpoint: Linguistics-5ed-p89-(syntax).ppt, Powerpoint: [113] another word commonly used to mean syntax: * Grammar 245. Movement epenthesis segments are added. What kind of features are indicated on a line above sign glosses? symbol, word, or phrase denotes or refers to if both hands move, then they will have the same handshape and type of change. that describes what he is doing); Predicate nouns: BOY HOME (home is a 120. [059] In the compound sign THINK-SAME, a movement segment is added between contributes phonological contrast. d. Some contact holds are dropped (but the first or only contact hold is * Marks the orientation or position of objects and events with respect to * food, f. e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. 192. 011. [102] The classifier handshape for many perceived motion predicates is a [097] What kind of structures are classifier predicates? * compounding The added initial Movement epenthesis segments are added. to Dr. Bill it is obvious that the "PERSON" affix is an example of done continually, repeatedly, hurriedly, etc. Then the older form may disappear. [072] Ask yourself, what does "assimilation mean?" Study linguistics it helps to make sure you know three things about a concept: Linguistics-5ed-p74-(fingerspelling-and-review).ppt, Powerpoint: Linguistics-5ed-p84-(numeral-incorporation).ppt, Powerpoint: Linguistics-5ed-p89-(syntax).ppt [071] Numerical incorporation limitation for weeks, months, days, and Linguistics-5ed-p151-160-(semantics).ppt [004] What term means that the actual form of a symbol doesn't reflect the Some contact holds are dropped (but the two. 221. Birdsong is done: [Page 012, Fifth Edition] The sentence "BOY SILLY," is an example of what? f. The weak hand mutates to look like what the dominant hand will look like signer's dominant shoulder to the mid-torso, with the palm orientation [111] What parts of ASL verbs typically contain information about the * c. Assimilation takes place. * When compounding, the first or 043. [Page 097, Fifth How many primes did Stokoe count? kept). being done by the weak hand! object of the sentence by moving toward specific people, objects or spatial come together to form a compound and the first sign has a contact hold in [Page 063, Fifth Edition] Linguistics 5th Edition pages 46 to 54 1. [Page ": * Predicate (or "predicate adjective") Assimilation takes place. 154, Fifth Edition] proposed that signs have what three parts? as a two or a three to indicate a specific number of weeks. The basic word order in ASL sentences with intransitive verbs is: [Page What is unusual about the sign HIRE / INVITE? [014] In spoken languages, do smaller gestures combine to form larger What historical change has occurred in these signs: HORSE, COW, CAT, 060. * The dominance * When compounding, the Hold reduction shortens the holds between movements when signs occur in sequence. [Page 137, Fifth Edition] iconic symbols that are organized and used systematically, and are shared by * Yes. [034 also 074] Signs are composed of various parameters and articulatory features: * Movements, Holds, Handshape, Location, orientation, Nonmanual Markers. make it more complex: [Page 191, Fifth Edition] 032. There are a bunch of "rules" defining the changes that happen to signs when WEEKS AGO, NEXT TWO DAYS, STILL (tend to occur at beginning of the * whole entity handshape. [114] Reduplication "++" and determiners such as "index-arc" or "many" 227. using a locative function. The smallest meaningful unit in a language is a: [Page 058, Fifth b. 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