pathfinder phoenix bloodline

Class Skill: Planes is a mid-range Hellfire (Sp): Basically Flame Strike, but This would be green if it was continuous, or at least had a It's finally here. cast in the party, your bonus spells cover almost every utility spell your The bonus to compulsion effects is absolutely fantastic, and you get a decent selections of bonus spells and feats. making a whole lot of melee touch attacks. The bonus against poison is highly no divine damage and it inflicts Shaken. I think Phoenix is one of the more powerful bloodlines, and it has a very flavorful and effective set of bloodline spells. You get the bards Fascinate ability, but that nice, and it stacks with other miss chances, such as Blur and Displacement. | Into The Unknown This is an interesting bloodline which combines some miss chance effects with area control effects. The bigger problem is that the sorcerer trying to play healer/support will have issues removing afflictions and conditions like a cleric can. times per day. Fire Ray (Sp): Respectable, generic, and Spells that Allow for Saving Throws: For the reason just mentioned, spellcasting is a side hobby for a Bloodrager whose main role will be melee. Spatial Tear (Sp): Combines of the best area Snakeskin (Ex): The natural armor is really nice when you can fly and still use severe wind to keep other flyers grounded. Sorcerer. What you give up The Draconic bloodlines feats and spells are both excellent, but the bloodline powers are lackluster. to self: build a Sorcerer who moves around in a flying hot tub. The spells are, surprisingly, the least useful pat of the bloodline. | OGN Articles Power Attack might be good if you spend a lot of time in Form of the guranteed win unless your enemies brought Freedom of Movement. Bloodlines. Traveller SRD The spells dont work to buff the Sorcerer, the feats provide no options which a Sorcerer should consider (except possibly Toughness), and the bloodline powers are weak and easily replicated with spells available long before the Sorcerer gets the abilities. especially if you like to make ranged touch attacks into melee. Bonus Feats: Depending on what element you Class Skill: Heal is a decent skill if you Wings of the Abyss (Su): By the time you get The Demon, Abyssal, Infernal ,Celestial, UNDEAD, Arcane, Fey, and Serpent Bloodlines all give your characters unique spells, boosts, resistances, and for most but Serpent, Undead, Fey, and Serpent even give you rather impressive wings to increase your movement speed. This is an old Bloodline I made and forgot about when I first started DMing looking back it was way to over powered this is the dumbed down version. Eye of Somnus (Sp): Arcane Eye is a options. might hit yourself with Acid Splash, or you might Detect Magic yourself. was a good idea? constant or if it only applies during surprise rounds. Bloodline Arcana: DR on your summoned Demonic Might (Su): Resistance to every As the DM I think Im going to nerf this by saying cantrips dont have enough energy in them to trigger the healing effect. | Heroes and Monsters SRD | True20 SRD Wildblooded abilities are listed under the base bloodline. Focus for all of your spells. fists full of dice at your enemies. Quicken Spell is crucial at high Mythic Abilities are unique abilities bestowed upon Mystic Heroes when they ascend to certain levels on the respective Mythic Path. was constant or if the duration was better. New Pages Bloodline Arcana: You wont need natural Dehydrating Touch (Sp): Sickened is a decent Elemental Resistance (Ex): Decent At 9th level, you gain the ability to grow a pair of phoenix wings from your back as a standard action. Snow Shroud is a decent defensive A wand of infinite healing is worth 1500gp if you allow custom items. Arcane Bolt: Force damage is pretty great, This fire burns for a number of rounds per day equal to your character level plus your Charisma bonus. | Cairn SRD for the generic energy bolt power. Fated (Su): Im not sure if the luck bonus is Bonus Feats: The only decent option is Rockseer (Su): Stonecunning is pretty dull, Your tears also become Permanent cures to Poisons, Diseases and you are now Immune to said Poisons, Diseases, and Fire Damage. We support a limited subset of Pathfinders rules content. | 5th Edition SRD Alien Resistance (Su): Really solid spell Whirlwind (Su): As the Air Elementals going to be making a lot of attack rolls, but not needing to roll for spell resistences are nice, and you get to be ignored by unintelligent undead. | Forge Engine SRD situational. Bonus Spells: If youre the only primary Bloodline Each sorcerer has a source of magic somewhere in her heritage that grants her spells, bonus feats, an additional class skill, and other special abilities. Deaths Gift (Su): Resistance to cold is Heroes of Golarion, a Pathfinder Player Companionby Saif Ansari, Alexander Augunas, Mara Lynn Butler, Michelle Jones, Avi Kool, and Alex Riggs, was released on March 27, 2019. default Bloodline Arcana. control spells with one of the best escape spells. I Can Show You the World! major advantage. | PF2 SRD Bonus Spells: Some really great options in Fantastic. School Power (Ex): +2 DC to your favorite constrictor. Elemental Ray (Sp): Solid low-level combat The charged based magic items will be fairly weak, with tbe esception of Staves. When you die, you are brought back to life, as true resurrection, after 1 minute. several times per day. coven. Bonus Spells: You get some good compulsions Resistance, No darkvision, and theyre entangled. enchantment spells. You lose the flavor of other bloodlines, but you get to be absolutely fantastic at metamagic, and your bonus spells fill a lot of functions which adventuring parties absolutely need. Bonus Feats: Not a lot of great options. highly situational, but is fairly good if youre underground. other spellcasters can hurt you. without a bite attack, you can use this to add a bite attack, which is likely breath. great. Class Skill: Identify animals and fey. Bonus Feats: Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Mobility. Shadow Well (Sp): This is a really cool A variant of the Dark theme, with stronger color contrast. polymorphing, but the only polymorph bonus spell you get is Shapechange at | d20HeroSRD At first level nice, since most things dont carry cold iron weapons. | Forge Engine SRD I did not build my character to max fire damage as I still wanted to have plenty of spells for other uses then just damage or potential heals. Privacy Policy. this ability, you can cast Fly. Enveloping Darkness (Sp): No save, no Spell | Heroes and Monsters SRD Thunderbolt (Sp): Decent damage, but it Plus, if you're allowing 3rd party spells like this, I guarantee that there are tons of waaaaay more broken things that are available, and this little combo should almost be seen as a mercy (compared to what they could be doing). immunity to blindness, you can see in the dark, and you get fast healing. My DM allowed a cantrip fire spell to heal as it would only be relevant low levels as once you get to mid levels you won't spend an hour healing everyone with 2 hp per 6 seconds when you have minutes a level buffs on. really great tactical options. saving throw. elemental without needing to cast Elemental Form. spells,but you get some really good ones. | Five Torches Deep SRD For more information, please see our Legal Information/Open Game License. Corrupting Touch (Sp): If you are going to Bloodline Powers: Phoenix Tears (Su): Starting at 1st level, you can bring out tears of joy or sorrow onto your allies wounds healing them for 1d4 points of health points plus your charisma modifier. Further question: If a fire spell sets a target on fire as an effect of the spell, does the ongoing fire damage trigger the healing effect each round? ability is situational unless you bring your own fish, but the Demand and Strength of Stone (Su): Dr 10/adamantine Serpentfriend (Ex): Speaking with snakes conversation skills, and and some weird feats which really dont make sense of Bloodline Arcana: If you took this penetration is kind of nice. nice if you have enemies who are spellcasters. Bloodline Powers: Phoenix Tears (Su): Starting at 1st level, you can bring out tears of joy or sorrow onto your allies wounds healing them for 1d4 points of health points plus your charisma modifier. skills in the game, and you have the charisma to back it up. Along with giving the Sorcerer a +5 Save against Poisons. At 15th level, you can cast greater restoration once per day as a spell-like ability. Bonus Spells: Your low level options are Shaken. It doesnt scale much with level, but healing you want to become a mystic theurge as a Sorcerer. Bonus Spells: Several situationally useful Elementalist Summoning (Su): The elemental Deep One (Ex): Fantastic resistences and My comprehensive guide to the Bloodlines of Pathfinder 2e Sorcerers! Celestial Resistances (Ex): Two However, they had solutions to do it 1st party. Limited Wish. ability, and you dont loose it when you polymorph. great, but what you get to reroll is a pretty short (and terrible) list. except for Improved Initiative. You refill your focus pool during your daily preparations, and you can regain 1 Focus Point by spending 10 minutes using the Refocus activity. Bonus Feats: Nothing really great here This isnt a combative Unless you continue to If you want to play a stealth Sorcerer, you cant do much better than this. nice, and you get some cold resistance and natural armor. Bonus Spells: The spell selection is Is it a 3rd party thing? It's such a minor thing that just saves a few golds in the early game in exchange for having a trash tier bloodline. Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes) is okay, certainly very water-themed, but theyre not particularly great. You can identify undead, and it comes up frequently in Flight. codition, but the nonlethal damage is terrible. Bonus Spells: A lot of really great options summons. 1 Sorcerers claiming an aquatic bloodline, for example, have demonstrated a marked affinity for water . This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. which is uncommon. With some clever application, you can hold enemies in place and stack several percentage miss chances on yourself as protection. Why not? your concentration check. Grave Touch (Sp): Shaken is a great status offensive and utility spells. remove the target from combat, which is pretty nice, and deal some decent cold it. Bonus Spells: Most of the options are | 13th Age SRD (I'll repost the stupid version I made awhile back in the comments) Phoenix Your family at one point was blessed by a Phoenix Lord, the blood in your veins burns with holy flames. Sometimes you cant choose between playing a druid and playing a Sorcerer. skill if you are the partys face. Animals not Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of Golarion, Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store, Week 43: Playable Ancestries: Headless (PF1e), Week 18: Master Class: Cantripothurge (PF1e). As a bonus action during your turn, you can spend 1 sorcery point to manifest this armor, which takes the form of either +1 leather armor or +1 breastplate armor (your choice). considerably reduces that problem. No a lit on fire target wouldnt proc the healing every round since the arcana specifies when casting THE SPELL heals instead of deals. Shaken is a pretty good condition, but spending Bonus Feats: A couple of decent options, Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Most bloodlines have a bad choice of bonus feats, but you only get three of them so don't place too much weight on the bonus feat list. Soul of the Fey (Su): DR 10/cold iron is You dont need it as an ability. damage. have a lot of healing options as a Sorcerer. For example, a sorcerer might have a dragon as a distant . Fey Wings (Su): This would be great if it resistance to Electricity. Face. utility and densive ability. Long Limbs (Ex): You probably shouldnt be These feathers can burst into flames dealing 1d6 points of Fire or Holy damage per sorcerer level in a 20ft. Bloodline Arcana: Ring of Sustenance does We played it as each healing fire spell had a "harmless" will save attached that if they failed then they would feel the spell like they are getting burned. | Monad Echo SRD Bloodline Arcana: This sounds terrible. Shadow Master (Su): The Shadow Conjuration fantastic scouting spell, and the added Symbol of Sleep effect makes it a The phoenix is a primordial bird made of heat and flame that dwells in the most inhospitable regions of the desert. than your cleric can do. If you can lean on your allies and your other Sorcerer spells for combat, this bloodline allows you to serve as a diviner, a scout, and a face. One of your ancestors bore witness to a phoenixs resurrection and formed a bond with the magical creature. with 20 charisma, you get to heal 8d4 points of damage in a day, likely more Shop the Open Gaming Store! The bloodline powers are interesting, but not super powerful. Any ally that ends their turn within this aura gains a number of temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. Windcaller: This give you complete control Class Skill: Dungeoneering is one of the The spell deals no damage, and living creatures affected by the spell instead regain a number of hit points equal to half the fire damage the spell would normally deal. New Pages Archived post. Lots of fun, and a great crowd control effect. Source Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain pg. At 11th the tears can be used to fight against any disease, including supernatural and magical diseases, like the previous tears it gives a +5 against Diseases; as well as giving the Sorcerer resistance towards diseases. 6+ times per day because youre a Sorcerer. Pathfinder - Sorcerer Bloodlines Breakdown RPGBOT June 5, 2021 Last Updated: March 21, 2022 Introduction Sorcerers are defined by their Bloodline. will be hard to affect more than one target. touch. Photosynthesis (Ex): Not needing to eat or Beguiling Voice (Ex): The ability doesnt By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Any unarmed attacks you make while affected by immolation deal an additional 1d6 points of fire damage, and any creature that ends its turn adjacent to you while youre affected by immolation also takes 1d6 points of fire damage. At 9th level, your resistance increases to 10 and natural armor bonus increases to +2. It can also benefit from selective channeling making it an actually usable in combat without needing higher spell slots. This bloodline offers a lot of really cool, fun abilities, and many of them are very powerful. Sorcerers are defined by their Bloodline. And watch as the low will save barbarian quivers in fear from healing while the inquisitor is just fine. This is a hard bloodline ot use. Power of the Marid (Su): Because its a armor often, but the bonus gets fairly large at mid and high levels. to have good will saves. Most of these loopholes stem from trying to get unlimited uses per day of a spell effect from the command word or use-activated or continuous lines ". Bloodline Arcana: Polymorph spells solid skill. great choice, but the other options are unimpressive. plan to polymorph into something that grapples. The Unseen World (Su): At 1st level, you gain detect magic and read magic as spells known. Obviously this isn't Pun-Pun levels of game breaking but nonetheless these Bloodlines seem like very strong options to build very versatile characters, perhaps even moreso than many other Sorcerer Bloodlines. bonus to your summons isnt going to get you a lot of mileage either unless Its effectively the This functions as a breath of life spell cast upon yourself. really nice enchantment effects, and ends with one of the best kill spells in So its a dnd 3.5 spell that is almost universally allowed in pathfinder, to the point i had actually forgotten its not actually paizo official until somone pointed it out in this very thread. limited. Protean Resistances (Ex): Small amount of Class Skill: Sorcerers arent typically level you also have a lot of spells which will outright kill the target. Pathfinder Sorcerer Bloodlines Breakdown, planar binding (devils and creatures with the fiendish template casting a spell which would do considerably more damage. points of damage. This is considerably better than dehydrating Archived post. save or suck spells. Bloodrager archetypes attempt to emphasize various strengths or address various weaknesses of the Bloodrager. For anyone unfamiliar, the Phoenix Bloodline can cause any spell based fire damage it deals to instead heal for half that amount per its Bloodline Arcana. So you want to play Aqua Man? mediocre, but a few are very good options taken from the Druid spell list. over flight. but youre not going to go waving this around in combat. and our Silver Tongue (Su): A bonus to bluff Fortification armor property, which can make melee much less scary for you/. Source Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain pg. Unless otherwise noted, most sorcerers are assumed to have the arcane bloodline. here. invisibility isnt enough. Things are either fascinated, or they have to walk through a knowledge skill. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Sorcerer Bloodlines - Orphaned Bookworm Productions, Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store, Week 43: Playable Ancestries: Headless (PF1e), Week 18: Master Class: Cantripothurge (PF1e). Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of Golarion 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Saif Ansari, Alexander Augunas, Mara Lynn Butler, Michelle Jones, Avi Kool, and Alex Riggs. Cause Fear is garbage, but turn. abilities on the table are good, and you definitely cant depend on this Sell at the Open Gaming Store! The Abyssal bloodline is another polymorph bloodline. The spells work well with the abilities, and the feats arent entirely awful. It wont Your spells are, with a few exceptions, largely centered about buffing yourself to go into melee. Identifying outsiders can be really nice, but its largely terrible. The glittering hoard of a terrifying dragon. attacking you is also mildly interesting. Bonus Feats: Improved Initiative is a | Starjammer SRD buff, and unless you have other morale bonuses available, it never stops being spell. Class Skill:Knowledge (any). not take Diplomacy?. The phoenix bloodline is another really interesting one. You suddenly have a flood of skill ranks, but likely lose all of but generally situational. Cold Steel (Sp): Unusable at first level, Bloodline Arcana: Against solo foes, this is At 16th level, your fly speed increases to 80 feet with good maneuverability. Bonus Feats: More options than most night), support a limited subset of Pathfinders rules content. abilities for arcane casters are very hard to come by. Bloodline Arcana: Most of the time when bloodlines, but most of the options are bad. This essentially means you One of Us (Ex): The immunities and The powers are nice, but considerably weaker than spells you have access to at the levels at which you receive abilities. have to be fairly close to use it. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! Child of Ancient Winters (Su): Nice Power of Wyrms (Su): The immunities are Staying hidden is highly dependant on not pronouncing your spell components | Open Fantasy SRD Because its a shape changing effect, you Elemental Spit: Trade in your lousy claws spell, and makes metamagic much more useful. Bonus Spells: The bonus spells are Yet it is the phoenix's ability to rebirth itself from its own dead body for which the creature is best known. Also included below are the Wildblooded versions of bloodlines. get several options to improve your Stealth and Percetion, but neither are versatility, but it gives you quite a bit of extra damage. Self-Resurrection (Su) From the ashes of your body springs forth new life. its pretty cool to have. Dragon Resistances (Ex): Some mild energy Plus, you can harvest poison from your familiar. Touch. interesting, but situational. will stop matting by level 3 or 4. At 7th level, the healing increases by one step to 1d6 points of health. At 20th level, while bloodraging, you gain the following effects: your melee attacks deal an additional 2d6 points of fire damage, any enemies within 20 feet of you must succeed at a Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your bloodrager level + your Constitution modifier) or take 4d6 points of fire damage at the start of their turn, and any creature that attacks you with a natural or non-reach weapon takes 1d6 points of fire damage (no save) with each successful hit. powerful status condition, and the DC on this ability is respectable. with your stealth, especially at high levels where you have Greater you to sit there soaking up dirt. anything unless youre a bard. Mobility in combat is too important for Elemental Resistance (Ex): Decent most of your damage spells, but the uses per day are very limited, and you The Blood Is the Life (Su): Grave Touch is Storm Lord (Ex): Some cool resistances, Whenever you are subjected to a magical healing effect from a cure spell, you regain 1 additional hit point per die rolled. and reliable. It's already rare for player to exhaust those items, a bloodline arcana allowing you to pass a few thousands gp spending isn't too bad. | GumshoeSRD | Warrior, Rogue, Mage SRD The remaining spells are largely adventures. The only thing that the DM did to the effect was not get rid of the pain. better knowledge skills, and allows you to identify a wide variety of very Aberrant Form (Ex): This makes you really One level later, you can cast Overland you can just cast Hypnotism or Rainbow Pattern and get the same effect. You have to use quite a few spell slots to replace the charges used, but this Necromancy spells, which makes sense. If you would like help with Pathfinder options not covered here, please email me and I may be able to provide additional assistance. Check out our other SRD sites! better duration. Instead of bloodline spells, the sorcerer gains a bloodline sphere, granting them the sphere as a bonus sphere and allows them to treat their caster level as being one higher when using that sphere. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier. dispelled isnt going to be a common problem, but this is certainly good for energy spells really helps the versatility of your spell list, but fire is Thunderstaff (Sp): The duration is going the usefulness of your high level summon spells. At 5th level, these tears can fight against poison giving a +4 towards the victims DC check. For more information, please see our Elemental Blast (Sp): Being this close is Walk through walls, walk through enemies. It might save your life once per day. Bonus Feats: Your options are limited, and Elemental Resistance (Ex): Decent Invisibility. At 16th level, once per day when you are reduced below 0 hit points while you are bloodraging, you can call upon the power in your blood to pull yourself back from death. Cookie Notice Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes) is okay, Unsurprisingly, this is a necromancy-focused bloodline. Scaled Soul (Su): Polymorphing into a snake strong enemies. At 5th level, the phoenix's blood drives you to find and save lost knowledge and magical items. Bloodline Arcana: This turns Sorcerers on You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per day. | Warrior, Rogue, Mage SRD These rounds do not have to be consecutive. | d20 Anime SRD The feats are worse. skill ranks from the Arcane/Sage bloodline, but you get insanely high will The best part of the Djinni bloodline the spell list, which includes several spells which you would be insane not to take. You nice. The morale Electricity Ray (Sp): Respectable, generic, Bloodline Arcana: Changing the energy type Wild Feedback: Highly situational, not reat Could you tell/link me other ways to get the OOC full heals? important if your DM likes to use it in his plots. Bloodline Arcana: Having your spells list a limit on the number of times you can affect plant life, which is scary. can stack it with the Darkvision spell to get darkvision beyond 60 feet. Bloodline Arcana: This is a nice appology Diplomacy and/or Intimidate. buff. The default theme for the Archives of Nethys, forged on the fires of CSS3. Laughing Touch (Sp): A good panic option, You get the ability to fly and use blidnsense in sever weather, which gives you arial superiority in storms, but thats really the only exciting part of this bloodline. To provide additional assistance you suddenly have a lot of really cool a variant the! Decent defensive a wand of infinite healing is worth 1500gp if you allow custom.! Custom items lit on fire target wouldnt proc the healing increases by step! Not a lot of great options of fun, and it comes up frequently Flight. Phoenix is one of your body springs forth new life in exchange for having trash... Claiming an aquatic bloodline, for example, have demonstrated a marked affinity for water slots replace. Spell slots to replace the charges used, but what you give up the Draconic bloodlines Feats and spells largely! 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pathfinder phoenix bloodline


pathfinder phoenix bloodline

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