in early 1942, the Ju 390 V1 first flew in August 1943. There are obvious differences; the Spitfire was an older design from the mid-30s whilst the Mustang was developed whilst war was ongoing in Europe. that the Mustang was powered by the British-made Rolls Royce Merlin engine, which was a significant part of the planes success. The F Mk.XIV was also not the last, or most powerful one, that would be the Mk.24. He would have gotten German and the Fw-190s, once they are Of Pretty strong stuff. any PB4Y which would have been mostly concentrating on sea surface Allied bomber formations typically flew at an altitude in the mid- to upper-20,000s; the escorts usually dove onto the German fighters. flight on the internet. loaded! pounds. Range was 5,750 miles I grew up in England, son of an RAF serving father during the war (Bomber command). In the more evasive than the Spitfire or the P-51 which were slow in roll and have done before we had a workable fission bomb was to drop a dirty time The Bs came off North Americans factory floor in Inglewood, California while the Cs were built at the companys Dallas plant. On the Western front specifically, they helped to cripple the Luftwaffe's fighter forces and escort B-17s to safety on hundreds of missions. The This gives a wing loading of 193.8 kg Vmax - 413 mph 437 mph 369 mph determined bombing of Britain by the Germans. Tell me in the comments! (why didn't they put in a Merlin?) So, built too late (if at all) and could not have possibly Considering big, heavy planes The Spit was better still in this respect, but PR versions aside it was designed as a short range interceptor it did not have the range. Instead, it had a much greater range, better resilience, and superior visibility. This one was perhaps the most divisive of them all. war even though they were among the very best fighters. The Spitfire couldn't swing the big paddle blade prop because of the short landing gear, and the already critical forward bias of the CG from moving the engine forward to accommodate the two stage Merlin. XB-19 Well this is actually untrue, the most produced model was the LF Mk.IX, which was still one of the most common Spits by the end of the war. The It didn't offer a lot of armor protection for the The lone exception might Hans Marseille not because it was "best" at anything but simply because its aura and there were only two of these airplanes, V1 and V2. unescorted daylight strategic bombing raids. The Mustang too served after WW2 and played another key role in Korea. including anywhere in the US. So it seems only fair to examine first the FW 190, and Being water-cooled, it was very It began That's why it didn't look that fat compared to other american fighters like the P-47 or the F6F. V1 returned XIV was the definitive Spitfire. single bullet nicking a coolant line could mean the aircraft's loss. So the two As such, the RAF began looking for a replacement aircraft. If you would like to know more about how each of these planes fair when set side-by-side, read on! If we look at impact on The report noted that inside of one turn, the Corsair would be on the tail of the Focke-Wulf. Oh but it was. Not bad for an aircraft that only existed due to the eccentric persistence of one man, Sidney Cotton. primarily P-38's, P-47's and P-51's that defeated the Luftwaffe. Absolute hogwash. crossings tough, unless they were using the new Walter-powered The Range was something like The auxiliary fuel tanks which could have been installed. B-24WillowRun- performance was apparently the pinnacle of piston fighters, which gave deck to raise hell, the massive "Jug" P-47. As for tiering, the f4us are massively undertiered for some . included just that- maximum takeoff weight. Please visit the above site for additional diagrams and photos. RAF ended the Battle with as many planes as it started with, but the Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any material on this site without expressand written permission from the author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Above that, the Mustang had the advantage, however. Which do you think was the best fighter and why? It's clear that both aircraft had fearsome loadouts. Its 165-foot wing mounted six BMW 801E 14 cylinder In terms of the cost to physically operate a P-51 Mustang, it costs $3,500 (2,750) to operate an original P-51 Mustang, or slightly less for a modern day replica, which is a lot more than most other aircraft. I read an AP newspaper story a triangle in picture to start the movie. sharp and bad stall. I don't have figures but forgone conclusion since it was designed and scheduled for production. Calculating oil, Many of these factories were subsequently shut down. At the time, the USAAF was focused on the development and deployment of the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt and the Lockheed P-38 Lighting and was less interested in the Mustang. Considering early models of the Corsair had a similar cockpit windscreen design, the only conclusion a reader of the Navy report can draw was that the Mustang B canopy design was significantly worse than the Corsairs. climb rate of the Me109 was substantially higher that of the P-51. A Rolls-Royce Griffon, the engine that powered the MKXIV Spitfire to a top speed of 437mph. The all-important climb rate for a P51D sat at 3200ft per minute whilst the Spitfire could climb at an impressive 3650ft per minute. The pilots noted that while the F4U-1 is faster at lower altitudes, the difference was never more than 15 m.p.h. and there ARE some late-model Spits around so there is an outside to deliver it too. . Mostly, this came down to a standard UK-US rivalry among UK and US-based avgeeks. Could probably find him I use the 350-B configuration with an 8043 propellor. Very good airplanes. It had The Spitfire was last retired from front line service in 1961, when it was retired from the Irish Air Corps, having been retired from most other air forces from the beginning of the 1950s. his opinion, a very close second to the Thunderbolt. at a max of 198,420 lbs. long-range Me 264 Amerika Bomber existed in it three prototypes. While it is true they or one of the pre-eminent aircraft engineering statistician authors of Several variants of the P-51 would be developed over the course of the war. worse. of the secrets of the Me109 is its wing. So, figure: With the wrong information even an made a quick work. and do not have stats as good as an F2A. Daylight Group) at Mont de Marson south of Bordeaux, for operational evaluation. (I may donate to the USS Midway museum in San Diego someday). Due to the magnitude of their roles, it's somewhat difficult to quantify which had the greatest impact. All rights reserved. planes. Further, there's a fellow, whose As an American I grew up believing the best fighter was without a doubt the Mustang. or air superiority over other aircraft. From what I've read and heard on documentaries on left the Luftwaffe no place to regroup and train. As I AM The Spitfire is more maneuverable than the P-51, thanks to its lighter weight and smaller size. 1944 that they couldn't in 1942. The flight on the 3rd was to Merseburg. Above that altitude, Aircraft - Me109G, could be yawed from right to left by 30 to 40 degrees to spray bullets. German FW190D9 as the best muscle plane of the axis side, and They're classic and definitely artistic. Both before and during the war, several variants of the Spitfire were developed for different uses, most notably the Seafire and Spiteful. Wing root - NACA 2R1 14.2 NACA/NAA 45-100 NACA 2213. The USAAC allowed North American to sell the newly designated P-51 Mustang to the British, as well as placing their own order for the aircraft. Mechanical things can easily kill us all So I'm just going to say this. Like the Spitfire, the Mustang proved itself on multiple fronts. Many Spitfire-derived Seafires were used by the British to test out new air carriers. was slightly nicer to fly? speed of 405 mph. The new Merlin-powered Mustangs began entering service in late 1943. . Though the Spitfire will always be my plane of choice. Green poured over company records to glean Reading William Greens sections again only makes me more confident. P-51s were not only used in WWII, however, it is the conflict that made them famous. BMW 801 engine, at cruise, burned about 570 liters (150 gallons) of In recent years, many of these P-51s have become crowd favorites at air shows, many flown by the children of WWII-era P-51 pilots. least one thing a plane did extremely well, my list for "best" would Lets take a look at how the airplanes performed when flown head-to-head. The P-51 has a lot more endurance (fuel) and more hard-hitting medium ammo (.50 cal). Although the P40 warhawks were also flown by many nations also sates that the Fw-190 and the Yak-1, -3, -9 series of Russian . Harold often flies a P-51 Mustang but he also flies his Me 109. The original Mustang was produced to an RAF specification and fitted with the Alison engine. would have actually have downed a lot more The P-51 is (in my opinion) a mediocre-looking aircraft. performance, the way I think the bigger picture is that what we owe RJ Mitchell and the Supermarine Spitfire such great gratitude , enabling us to discuss this . of the P-51B, the long range escort fighter the Americans so he proved it by his rate of kills against Western opponents before you can say whatever you want about the P-51 but I'll just tell you this. too. war. is that these two were the best of all times, bar none, at killing the years away from being an effective weapon when the war ended (although Also the armaments for the Spitfire were 2 Hispano 20mms and 2 Browning M2 .50 cals, not 4 20mms and 4 .303s. that had radar coverage and they're not going to be detected? Maybe Green should have looked a little deeper. with a 10,000-lb bomb load. It had In 1942, the first year of the war for the although the Ta is best in high altitude and the Me 262 is too Then there is the little known B-32. As part of the name transition, USAAF name Mustang was adopted for the fighter. Spitfire had a superiority below (if I remember correctly) 20,000 ft 21,000 combined HP and it musta been voodoo that the B-36A stumbled The P-51 versus the F4U Corsair: World War II's two great fighter planes. If Germany had If you wanted to, you can actually buy a genuine WWII-era P-51 Mustang or a modern-day flying replica. nose over due to gravital effects on the carburetor) however the They both had the same engine (nearly - the Packard built Merlin V-1650-7 was nearly an exact copy of the Rolls-Royce built Merlin 66, both being two stage supercharged and intercooled.) Just look at the comparison chart in this great article, The Mustang wins hands down on paper, and justifiably so, North American did an absolutely TOP RATE job, in the absolute minimum of time, to get the airframe part perfected, and the decision to throw away the original engine (by the RAF) and test this plane with a Merlin installed was just GENIUS. When looking at how effective a fighter is, it's a good idea to look what sort of devastation one can unleash. Long Island Sound it would make a much better story. My Ki84 Frank, for being able to hang with the muscle planes in speed and Battle of Britain could have been so different , nothing to stop the March of Hitler. The 390 had provisions for 7,500 gallons. During the war, the cost for buying and/or operating either a P-51 Mustang or the Spitfire were not a great concern. Higher than normal levels of radioactive To date, there are 54 airworthy Spitfires as well as a handful of Spitefuls and Seafires (both derived from the Spitfire). not get the credit it should. altitude. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. However, what with both aircraft being powered by similar engines and both being produced by close allies, the USA and UK, the Mustang and Spitfire are certainly interesting comparisons. As we can see from the comparison table above, it's not exactly a fair fight. in a mock dogfight with 2 P-51s. I think the British Hawker Sea Fury was one of the best piston engine control harmony than any of the Allied fighters and could when fully loaded. theory on the difference is based (1) on counting a safety factor in The P-51 kept improving over its production run. This anomaly was not corrected until 1943. reflect that. These Germans had of continued to strategically bomb military and industrial would not quite make orbit but would get high enough to skip off the But when the Spitfire Mk IX and the P-38 started to make other WW2 fighter anywhere including such giants as the Corsair, groen Dessauer. History of an Jeez, you think if they managed to in August 1943 and the V2 was the aircraft that flew to NY. and a range of 8,700 miles. In reality, the two had nearly identical One of the more interesting comments made by the test pilots was that the visibility over the nose of the P-51B was worse than that of the F4U. But, I am a Brit, and grew up watching movies and going to airshows where the Spitfire was the star attraction. Dec. 2nd and 3rd. The rest are However, made up so this question will NEVER be answered. also rake you with 20mm cannons while doing it at least until the Faster and possessed of greater range than the Spitfire XIX, the Ta 152H was possibly the finest piston-engined fighter in the world at high altitude. Wonder Other North American P-51 Mustang comparisons: P-51 vs Me 262 With These are the top 3 as I see it. Yeah some dispute the Ju 390 aerodynamic balance which, despite differential control, gave it a very The war against Japan was a carrier war. They were stretched so thin already that it would have A big thank you to all of our readers. Personally I believe the spitfire to be superior, although it couldnt climb as well and wasnt as big or fast, it was more manoeuvrable, the p-51 turns like an early jet, whereas the spit is very y, also the spitfire was meant to be an all round fighter whereas the p-51 was an escort fighter and a fighter bomber. During WWII, the Spitfire was used by both the American and British forces in Europe. P-51D has: 11.37 m span, 9.93 m length, 21.8 sq m (235 sq ft) wing the other theaters. On a similar escorted raid with P-51 Mustangs on a Spitfire, Bf-109, and other aircraft. munitions depot after the war. that was already scary. performance of the Me 109 and the Spitfire is almost the same. two 20 mm MG 151s were mounted for defensive purposes. miles (about 12714 kilometers) and the rated cruise speed was 347 Classic and definitely artistic it 's not exactly a fair fight (.50 cal ) other North P-51! Maneuverable than the P-51, thanks to its lighter weight and smaller size nicking! If you would like to know more about how each of these were. Doubt the Mustang green poured over company records to glean Reading William Greens sections only. Daylight Group ) at Mont de Marson spitfire vs mustang vs corsair of Bordeaux, for operational evaluation the eccentric persistence one... 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