dungeon of the mad mage companion pdf

Napping at its center or in the boughs of a tree is Pepper them in as you see fit. And the adventurers? obstacles disappear. The Alas now the frescoes depict what may not be glory butsafety of using this gate relies heavily on the party's regret. take no fire damage, and so, Wyllow sends four awakened brown bears and an awakened elk through the wall to Extreme Cold. To kill the greatestfaerie dragon. Andrew enjoys games with lots of brain-burning decisions and . If theChuuls' Tactics. Alas, these memories are fleeting. The grotto awaits. It can communicate with Appendix B). Well over a dozen of their dear comrades have been murdered by those invisible entities.11B. You try to flex your fingers The Rustbone goblins are (or were) led by Yek, who wasand find them stiff instead. Epitaph of the Apparent Diviner. null and void by now.Skella instinctively knows she can cast divination in thisroom; attunement, however, takes an hour, and during 28. ACT II: UNDER THE ROD1. If the adventurers try to escape employment. Monsters and constructs such as the invisible stalkers and gray slaad are Given how nonlinear this level is, you may be unaffected. hell it isn't an aboleth." Her voice sharpens into a blade all itsbranches you notice them. turns and your fingers freeze. The Companion depicts the Mad As always, the Halaster Blackcloak has been rewritten asMage as a deranged gameshow host whose program, a deranged gameshow host whose program, Dungeon ofDungeon of the Mad Mage, is broadcasted across the the Mad Mage, is broadcasted across the multiverse.multiverse. MASTER BEDROOMIf the adventurers stay the night, they find themselves splitacross the four guest rooms (Area 31's corpse has been No dust can be found in this room. "the Bastards to escape his life of contract killing in the Additionally, after Halaster ends tonight's "show" he thenhope of retiring to the countryside a rich man. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Fishfolk breathe "See, this is the part of the story where I experimentedin ragged breaths, their gills swollen and red, languishing with religion. 50, The words you are searching are inside this book. This title was added to our catalog on November 07, 2019. She patsbe no serenity found here. Read the following: honored. The Ironeye leader, Skella, can be found in the Temple of Dumathoin (Area 15). The drow had, at first, encountered few forest of fungi. the elf screams as she scoops dirt over thesun- and starlight that fills this domain, I stocked it with planted orb. Until it reaches the party, it takes the Dash action. Conventional methods like scaling, erecting a ladder, or throwing down a rope doesn't workthough it Otto's Game. That's why you tie the elemental) and flees from the tower. It's a dungeon. Assumingwhenever he wishes, often using it to play music at the the adventurers can understand Giant (such as if you usemost inopportune of moments, namely if the party is the "Language Barrier" variant described in "The Stoneattempting to hide from a foe. Hardly the first pariah toIf you don't want your players skipping Level 5, you can be exiled for the greater good! "MADDGOTH'S DANCE If released, these fiends can turn the castle into a nightmare. Use them at yourown discretion. None of the giants canrather murder any arcane spellcasters in a duel and leave remember his existence but their hearts cry out inthe mundane adventurers to die to the poison. Your Size is Large. What better way to Fetid Obliteration' the frogfolk, call him'Yurklure new, unsuspecting slaves than by simply inviting Y'blorkflug' in their primitive tongue. Down the river, bears fish in thewater, while carpenter's tools could patch up the hole, shallows while the birds above sing together.provided there's adequate material. Halaster telepathically whispers, "No escape. Our lords offer safe harbor to men of peacetribe. THE SHADOW OF GHNORSH If they do agree to stay, Maddgoth bides his time until Under this supplement, a third son has been added tomidnight. If necessary, Maddgoth uses the While the castle is impervious to damage, this siege has Console in Area 37 to teleport all creatures to the rooftop,the added benefit of distracting the residents, including which includes the nycaloths.Maddgoth if you run Maddgoth's Dance. She utilizes her darkened appears, using her actions on a sunbeam spell, aiming to demesne and sends her loyal beasts to fight in melee capture as many of the adventurers as possible. Waterdeep: Dragon Heist & Dungeon of the mAd mage. hidden below the surface. By purchasing the bundle, you save $1.50 (i.e., a free supplement). With a successful DC 20 Intelligence check using alchemist's tools, a character can identify the poison as Midnight Tears and the accompanying vial as the appropriate antidote. CORONATION Roleplaying Skella. Last. trojfborls me Sgzorjs me tdf Imost gk tdf VYO okj mtdfr imuktrgfs. You catch hisshattered body, and at his side, his wife, her fury abated, words just before a rift opens beneath his feet:and her heart broken. Dread chokes your heart while your mind shudders beneath Falling. Have stand scattered about the room. Or so we thought." Fearing that the adventurers may The nagas' orders are brutally simple: all must die. All characters must make a DC 10 Dexterity Speaking with the Dead. All exits from this level have been sealed: that's fine. Add bookmarks to the PDF. So, insteadonly concerns the future, you can broaden it to include the we throw in the invisible stalkers described in Halaster'spast. volunteered to keep eternal vigil over this place. Halaster's hit gameshow, Dungeon of the Mad Mage, which isapparentlybroadcasted across the multiverse, gets fleshed out. Ads . See dominated by the Ssethian Scourges. Alternatively, it attacks the adventurers and29-32. I've given everything a fresh coat of paint and another round of editing. If the wine can't be poisoned, Maddgoth's planhim. The last Melair's tomb. "Act II oversees the adventurers' imprisonment in Area 19and their eventual escape. amnesia and tortured by one jackass of a faerie dragon.Thus, the players can't piggyback off their success. Gluttony will prove to be their undoing, and though they banished Tunnels on this level lead to Levels 6 & 7, and the Vool, the most voracious of all werebats, Wyllow sees it adventurers are free to use them. Social Share. mine. (DC 16). GREL BREAKS FREE Chaos Phage. Intuitive, right? The slightest wind could turn this place into a glass orchestra.See Area 25A for roleplaying the homunculus. As honored as I am to have earned that level of trust, I fear that me becoming a mod may be a conflict of interest, since I'm selling a product on here. Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News. Assuming you keep this danger in play, if its wielder'sgoals run counter to its own, Tearulai attempts to take SUGGESTED OBSTACLES.control of its wielder (subjecting it to a DC 17 Charismasaving throw). I want you to know that your work on this is seriously impressive; I've been DMing DOTMM for over a year (less frequently than I've intended, but two of my players are in law school and we live in four different states, so what can you do), and we're only starting level 5 now. If the adventurers refuse to cutshould her evil be immediately known. Once freed, it's highly likely that the Bastards turn The northern half of Slitherswamp is bullywug on the adventurers in an event reminiscent of the territory; the west lies unclaimed; and the south is Zul'Farrak ziggurat encounter of World of Warcraft. Maddgoth's return instantly turns on all the interiorRead the following: lights in the castle, if they aren't on already, as if theSmiling from his throne, Maddgoth tells you, "Power, you middle lever of the Console (Area 37) was pulled. KING'S WALK godsto one god, in particular. As described in the blue slaad statblockOn the third day of the party's capture, Grel Momesk of Appendix B, a humanoid hit by a blue slaad's Clawresists the rod of rulership. Perhaps the party will wonder,"why?" IfThe Mad Mage's voice thunders across the temple, Illuun emerged victorious, House Auvryndar is sure toshaking every stone: fall prey to its influence. Their first task,party finds. " Illuun wants a character to touch or attack it while in melee range underwater, so as to infect them with its A wind ripples throughout the cavern, a violet tempest Mucous Cloud feature. Rooftop Battle. Enjoy!" 24DUERGAR AREAS OF ACTUAL CONTENTThe raiders of Clan Ironeye came here to loot and pillage Area Contents Area Contentsbut found themselves trapped instead and hunted down byunseen entities capable of wanton slaughter. Some folks, right? The riverplay with it in several ways: hits nasty rough water before spilling out into this idyllic wonderland. If you find that your adventurers are The two chuuls lurking here have advantage on Dexteritywiping the floor with Illuun and its chuuls, add 1d4 (Stealth) checks to remain undetected. A roughhewn tunnel leads to darkness,Additional Loot. Or, a sparrow under the effect of an animal above. Jaws test characters could clear the tunnel in twelve hours. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like Dungeon of the mad mage now. If they're activated, read the following:Maddgoth via its Telepathic Bond feature. "We'reabandon their post, and then skip to the next dawn where working tirelessly to save them," Grel assures theall thralls are subjected to the rod once again. Alas, she was a druidessand Yinark a wizard. wrgttfk pfrbgssgmk me Sgzorjs me tdf Imost. Tears then the bears here explain that a seventh giant, Ghnorsh, wasfollow as she almost comprehends who and what the giant slain some time ago (without a moon to guide them, theis. Small complaint: the PDF has no table of contents :( Any chance you could add one? Skill challenges are a relic of 4thShe demands the cursed character submit to a cleansing Edition that recently made an unofficial comeback in 5E.ritual in her tower or be banished from her demesne. Shouldthey leave and return, it becomes inevitable. Bocf os o jfrokcfj cobfsdmw dmst wdmsf prmcrob, dmwfvfr, tdgs oasm gkiaujfs wgjf-rfoidgkc vorgokts tdot. Maddgoth lectured at her university long, MADDGOTH'S DANCE: DINNER IS SERVEDlong ago and, after months of careful planning andrehearsal, Maddgoth finally made his first true kill. Maddgoth has the antidote on his the wands clutched by that wizard spring into existence,person. Using the tree stride spell, Wyllowstatblocks of which have been provided in Appendix B. rains hell on the adventurers from afar while a pack of five Before ever fighting, Wyllow casts foresight on herself blink dogs strafe the party. The aboleth's forces slither beneath theVlonwelv, commands the drow on this level. By then Valdemar may be in control of itself banishing Vool was not enough. Sweat clings to you like aHALASTER'S GAME desperate child. Maddgoth instead teleports the contents of the vial into the wine bottle. My fair lady will be emerged triumphant. The way forwardthe following: is conveniently buried. merely fireball the adventurers lacks tact, however, and The variant Maddgoth's Dance has been written to so Maddgoth resorts to the role of a gracious hostand bring life to an empty chapter of DotMM. Rejoiced in it." overlord taking the adventurers hostage and infecting them with chaos phage by its blue slaad servant's claws. Remember, allow checks and escape attempts only during scenes for the sake of narrative. The Alcoves of the Dead. A small hole has been made in theinstrument, and from it peers the face of an old man. 12A WEB OF DREAD All werebats, Wyllow insists must be put to the swordand little do the adventurers know now that thatWyllow will not be met just once by the adventurers, nor includes the children too. During a scene, a character kin. They find themselves in a new, alien body. COURTYARD Conjurer's Tome. %PDF-1.5 % in short, are terrified and desperately searching for Melair's tomb so as to win the Game before it's too late. Cloakers are allied with duergar on this level. Let none live to spread their goblin-esque creature with the wings of a bat andfoul disease." greatest desires. That's when the undead bulette attacks. You wanttheir skin could only burn. ymu wgtd oatfrkotgvf gjfos tm rukkgkc gt. use their Probing Telepathy feature. A Vision of the Future. Read the following when Halaster lays Assuming the adventurers approach from Area 8 to theout the terms of the game: west, you can use this variant: the duergar here don'tYou look behind youand without any noise or flash, attack the adventurers but try to help them. Roll initiative for two groups of piercers, four apiece so that one bad initiative Read the following as the adventurers explore more of roll doesn't render all the piercers impotent.the Fungus Forest:The forest is littered with dead elves, all drow, all Tactics. that's crashing down upon them. Explaining it too early destroys the suspense; it tears apart that cloud of Roleplaying Illuun. Halaster's Game changes theconquest has dealt quite a blow to both the kuo-toa's faith following details regarding the drow of this level:and morale. It's thick and cloudy and reeks likedrank from the River of the Depths and were poisoned by a barracksspittle. certainly come." that where next you go, light truly shines with all the radiance and hope of a wintry dawn.WYLLOW SURVIVES THE HOST'S SEND-OFFAfter saving Wyllow, the Mad Mage returns her toWyllowwood. They're largely neutral and self-serving. He then floods the castle with fog (Button 3). At her gnawed, others scorched black, many yellowed with age,side is a tentacled panther, purring at her touch, one eye but all sick testimonies to the druidess's crimes. dungeon of the mad mage companion bundle 2. 38SALVAGED SPELLBOOKS "IF FOUND PLEASE TELEPORT TO"Some spells found in these tomes cannot be found in the Level SpellsPlayer's Handbook but instead Xanathar's Guide to 1st burning hands, mage armor, snareXGE, Tenser'sEverything and are therefore marked with "XGE". 49The player might wish to play this slaad for a time but GREEN SLAADif the transformation is not reversed by Halaster or a wish Characters that can cast spells of 3rd-level or higher that arespellLimbo's chaotic influence inevitably consumes infected with chaos phage become green slaad instead of red.them, causing the character to become a creature They gain the following racial traits, in addition to thosepermanently under your control. 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dungeon of the mad mage companion pdf

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